(a)   New Residence Class A and Additions Thereto. Before a new residence Class A or additions thereto containing a cubage of 10,000 feet or more are constructed, a permit fee of thirty dollars ($30.00) shall be paid, which sum shall cover the expense of a minimum of two inspections of the streets and public ways in the vicinity of the proposed new construction by the Director of Public Service. One of the inspections shall be made prior to any construction and one shall be made at the completion of all construction. In addition, each individual making an application for a permit shall deposit cash or a certified check in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.00).
   (b)   New Buildings or Structures Class B, Class C and Class D and Additions Thereto. Before a new building or structure Class B, Class C and Class D or additions thereto containing a cubage of 10,000 feet or more are constructed a permit fee of eighty dollars ($80.00) shall be paid which sum shall cover the expenses of a minimum of four inspections of the streets and public ways in the vicinity of the proposed new construction by the Director of Public Service. One of the inspections shall be made prior to any construction and one shall be made at the completion of all construction. In addition, each individual making an application for a permit shall deposit cash or a certified check in the amount of eight hundred dollars ($800.00). (Ord. 38-1979. Passed 8-6-79.)