In nonresidential districts, wall signs and ground signs are permitted subject to regulation herein and limited as follows: Other types of signs are prohibited, except that signs not requiring a permit and political signs and development signs are permitted as regulated herein, and, unless expressly permitted. In residential districts, signs exempted from a permit herein and political signs and development signs subject to regulation herein only, are permitted.
(a)   No more than two such signs shall be permitted for each building or unit thereof.
(b)   Only one ground sign shall be permitted for each building unless the lot has more than 120 feet of frontage measured along the lot line providing the principal access to the building(s) on such lot.
(c)   Signs indicating a direction or location to which pedestrian or vehicular traffic is requested to move, are permitted in addition to the above signs. Such signs shall not exceed four square feet or four feet in height. The number of such signs shall be the minimum necessary as determined by the Building Inspector.
(d)   One bulletin board displaying the name and activities of a church, school, public facility or institutional facility shall be permitted as a ground sign or wall sign on the premises of such use provided that the sign does not exceed 25 square feet in area. If free standing, such sign shall be set back from each lot line a minimum distance of 25 feet and shall not exceed six feet in height.
      (Ord. 64-2001. Passed 7-16-01.)