The mobile home park shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the State Fire Marshal where such rules and regulations are not in conflict and do not contravene R. 125.1702a, Rule 702a and R. 125.1703, Rule 703, of the Mobile Home Commission Rules, as amended.
   (A)   Fire hydrants where public water is available. Fire hydrants shall be provided and so spaced that no mobile home site is farther than 400 feet from said hydrant. Where public water is not available, a minimum number of hydrants shall be provided and located as specified by the State Fire Marshal.
   (B)   Fire hydrants where public water is not available. Two fire hydrants or fire plug adapters at well sites shall be provided to enable the connection of fire hoses. Outlets for these hose connections shall have minimum diameters not less than two inches and shall meet the requirements and specifications of the State Fire Marshal.
(Ord. 85-1, passed 5-8-1985)