(A) Internal roads shall be surfaced in accordance with AASHTO standards in accordance with R. 125.1922, Rule 922 of the Mobile Home Commission Rules.
(B) The road shall have access to public thoroughfare or be connected to a public thoroughfare by a permanent easement. Sole access by an alley is prohibited.
(C) A dead-end road shall terminate with an adequate turning area. A blunt-end road is prohibited.
(D) An adequate safe-sight distance shall be provided at intersections of all ingress/egress roads as determined by the township traffic safety officer.
(E) An offset at an intersection of less than 150 feet measured from centerline to centerline and an intersection of more than two streets is prohibited.
(F) An intersection of roads shall be clearly marked with appropriate traffic signs.
(G) Roads or streets shall be named and so identified by street signs located at all road intersections.
(H) Names for internal roads shall be approved by the township.
(I) Internal roads shall be as required under R 125.1920, Rule 920 et seq.
(Ord. 85-1, passed 5-8-1985)