8.58.090   Boarding permits and regulations.
   A.   Boarding Permit Required. No person may erect, install, place, or maintain boards or similar coverings over the doors, windows, or other openings of any building or structure or otherwise secure such openings without a valid boarding permit from the city.
   B.   Board Permit Process. The enforcement official must issue a boarding permit required by this section upon submission of a written application by the owner of the property upon payment of the required fee and upon confirmation by the enforcement official that the boarding or other method of securing has been done in compliance with this section.
   C.   Boarding Permit Period of Validity. The boarding permit is valid for ninety days.
   D.   Boarding Permit Extension. A boarding permit may be extended once, for a period of an additional ninety days, provided that the following conditions exist: (i) the boarding is in compliance with this section; (ii) the owner has submitted the request for extension within ten days after the expiration of the initial boarding permit period; (iii) the owner has complied with all prior orders and notice from the city regarding the property: and (iv) the owner simultaneously submits a detailed plan and timeline for correction, repair, and rehabilitation of the property, or a plan for the sale of the property with a provision in the sale requiring the correction, repair, or rehabilitation of the property.
   E.   Boarding Permit Renewal for Good Cause. A boarding permit may not be issued fora building that was previously boarded until one year after the date of expiration of the previous boarding permit or extended boarding permit, except the enforcement official may renew a new boarding permit for a period of three months upon a showing of good cause, as determined in the enforcement official's sole discretion. "Good cause" means a showing by the owner that the permit reissuance is necessary due to conditions or events beyond the owner's control, such as inability to obtain financing, financial hardship, inability to locate a suitable buyer despite diligent efforts, or unanticipated delays in construction. "Good cause" also means a showing that the owner exercised reasonable and due diligence in attempting to complete the needed work or in attempting to sell, rent, or lease the property. Renewal shall require submission of a written application demonstrating good cause, payment of the boarding permit fee, and upon confirmation by the enforcement official that the method of boarding or securing of the building has been done in compliance with this section.
   F.   Boarding Permit Fees. The fees for the initial boarding permit, and the extension and the renewal permit, shall be as established from time to time by resolution of the city council.
   G.   Boarding Standards. The boarding or securing of the doors, windows, or other openings of any building must comply with the following standards:
   1.   Securing by Boarding. The boarding of doors, windows, and other openings must comply with the following requirements:
   a.   Windows and similar openings must be boarded with exterior-grade plywood of a minimum thickness of 3/4 inch or equivalent. Plywood must be secured by 2"x 4" or 4"x 4" crossmembers, secured to the plywood by 3/8 inch plated carriage bolts with washers on each end. Bolts and nuts used to secure the crossmember must be threaded to the correct length and tightened securely. A minimum of two crossmembers must be used on each window. Each crossmember must be a continuous piece of lumber, and each must extend at least one foot past the window opening in each direction. Additional measures may be required as deemed necessary in the sole discretion of the enforcement official.
   b.   Exterior doors must be boarded with exterior-grade plywood of a minimum thickness of 3/4 inch or equivalent fitted to the entry doorjamb with maximum 1/8 inch clearance each edge. The existing door must be removed and stored inside the building. Plywood must be secured by 2"x 4" or 4"x 4" crossmembers, secured to the plywood by 3/8 inch plated carriage bolts and matching hardware. A minimum of one door must be operable. Plywood for operable door openings must be attached to the door entry with three case hardened strap hinges of the type specified by the enforcement official. Plywood must be secured by a case hardened steel hasp and minimum two-inch hardened padlock, also of the type specified by the enforcement official. Additional measures may be required as deemed necessary in the sole discretion of the enforcement official.
   c.   All boarded openings must be painted with exterior paint that is of a color compatible with the exterior color of the building and is approved by the enforcement official.
   2.   Alternative Methods of Securing a Building. Upon application for a boarding permit, the enforcement official may approve alternative methods of securing a vacant property. In making the determination to approve any alternative method, the enforcement official must consider the effectiveness of the alternative method to provide adequate and long-term security against the unauthorized entry and the aesthetic and other impacts of such method on the immediate neighborhood.
   3.   Additional Requirements. In connection with the boarding or securing of the doors, windows, or other openings of any building, the owner must also comply with the following requirements:
   a.   All utility services to the building must be terminated by removal of the meters and termination of electric power by Southern California Edison or any successor utility. Compliance with this subsection may be waived in writing by the enforcement official as to electric power in the event that electricity is necessary to power exterior security lighting, an alarm system, or equipment to be used in connection with the rehabilitation of the building for which there is a valid building permit.
   b.   The sewer must be capped in a manner approved by the enforcement official so as to prevent the accumulation of methane gas in the building or structure.
   c.   The interior of the building must be cleared of all trash, junk, garbage, debris, solid waste, and personal possessions, in order to eliminate any fire or health hazard and prevent hindrance to firefighting equipment and personnel in the event of a fire.
   d.   The owner of any boarded building must comply with all requirements of this chapter related to vacant properties. (Ord. 2023-11-1545 § 11 (part), 2023)