20.65.050   Conditions of approval.
   A.   The conditions of approval, if any, may, where deemed appropriate, provide for any or all of the following:
   1.   Inspection of the affected premises periodically, as specified in the conditions, to verify compliance with any applicable conditions of approval.
   2.   Prior to any transfer of interest in the premises, notice to the transferee of the existence of the modification, that the modification is granted to an individual and does not run with the land, and the requirement that the transferee apply for a new modification if necessary. Once such transfer takes effect, the modification shall have no further validity.
   3.   Removal of the improvements, where removal would not constitute an unreasonable and unfair financial burden, if the need for which the accommodation was granted no longer exists.
   4.   Time limits and/or expiration of the approval if the need for which the accommodation was granted no longer exists.
   5.   Other conditions deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
   B.   Any grant of accommodation for an individual with a disability may, at the discretion of the decision maker, be considered as a personal accommodation for the individual applicant and may, at the determination of the decision maker, not run with the land. Accordingly, any approval may be conditioned to provide for its rescission or automatic expiration under appropriate circumstances.
   C.   The violation of a required condition shall constitute a violation of this chapter and may constitute grounds for revocation of the grant of accommodation.
(Ord. 2016-10-1492 § 1)