18.13.050   Review procedure.
   A.   Except as otherwise noted herein, finance maps shall be processed in the same manner and shall be subject to the same requirements as specified for tentative maps in Section 18.12.060 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code. The community development department will distribute copies of the finance map to the appropriate reviewing bodies to determine whether the finance map conforms to the requirements of this chapter, and the Subdivision Map Act.
   1.   Criteria. The reviewing authority shall base its decision to approve, conditionally approve, or disapprove the proposed finance map on the information required under this chapter, and any additional information reasonably necessary to determine that the property covered by the finance map can be feasibly developed under the existing zoning and general plan designations for the site. At a minimum, the advisory agency/reviewing authority must ensure the following:
   a.   The parcel (or parcels) of land covered by the finance map meet the minimum size requirements to ensure that future development can meet all applicable site development standards imposed by Title 20 of the Signal Hill Municipal Code;
   b.   The parcel (or parcels) of land have access from a public road, or access is both feasible and required by a condition of approval for the proposed finance map;
   c.   The parcel lines do not conflict with any public easements;
   d.   There are not physical constraints or other issues which may affect the feasibility of future development on the site (e.g., vehicular access, utility service extensions). If necessary in order to adequately evaluate the finance map, additional technical studies (e.g., access study) should be required prior to finding the application complete;
   e.   The finance map provides sufficient information on future uses and feasibility of future uses to ensure consistency with the general plan and zoning designations for the site;
   f.   The site is suitable for the future permitted or proposed uses;
   g.   The finance map provides sufficient information on the subdivision design and future improvements to evaluate its potential impact on the environment in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act; and
   h.   There is sufficient information on the subdivision design and future improvements to enable the city to determine whether the finance map complies with applicable water quality standards, particularly with respect to future discharge of waste into the sewer system.
   2.   Findings. A tentative map for finance and conveyance purposes shall be approved or conditionally approved only if the advisory agency can make the following findings:
   a.   That the proposed finance map is consistent with applicable general and specific plans and the zoning ordinance;
   b.   That the design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable general and specific plans and zoning ordinance;
   c.   That the site is physically suitable for the type of development;
   d.   That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development;
   e.   That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat;
   f.   That the design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems;
   g.   That the design of the subdivision or the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision; and
   h.   That the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act have been satisfied.
   B.   Mandatory conditions of approval. In addition to the standard subdivision conditions of approval applied to all maps for development purposes, the following shall apply to all finance maps:
   1.   Any submittal requirements which were waived in connection with the finance map in accordance with Section 18.13.040(1) shall be submitted concurrently with the first discretionary application for development of the property covered by the finance map (i.e., with an application for a future final map, a conditional use permit, site plan and design review or specific plan), or shall be submitted as prescribed by conditions of approval already in place with underlying entitlement approvals that govern continued or subsequent development of the property as described on the face of the finance map per Section 18.13.040(4).
   2.   This finance map is approved for finance and land conveyance purposes only. No applications for building or grading permits shall be accepted for the parcel or parcels created by this finance map until a future final map, a conditional use permit, site plan design and review or specific plan for development has been approved by the city, or as prescribed by conditions of approval already in place with underlying entitlement approval that govern continued or subsequent development of the property as described on the face of the finance map per Section 18.13.040(4). (Ord. 2015-11-1482 § 1 (part))