21.48.050   Alternate traffic impact fees.
   A.   The minimum traffic impact fees calculated pursuant to Section 21.48.040 is intended to represent the fair and reasonable impact attributable to each new development calculated on a per-foot basis. However, due to variations in the intensity of commercial and industrial uses, it is necessary to provide an alternative method of fee calculation where the intensity of use will generate additional trips beyond those calculated pursuant to Section 21.48.040 to ensure all new development adequately contributes to new transportation improvements. Accordingly, notwithstanding Section 21.48.040, an alternate traffic impact fee of $333.29 per peak hour trip (the "Alternative Fee") shall apply if the director of public works determines that a particular project's total p.m. peak hour trip generation is fifty percent or more above the p.m. peak hour trip generation which would typically be anticipated for the use. The p.m. peak hour trip generation rates published in the manual shall be used to make the determination. Accordingly, the alternative fee will apply if the p.m. peak hour trip generation rates exceed the following:
   1.   Industrial Uses. If an industrial project will generate more than 2.16 p.m. peak hour trips per one thousand square feet, then the applicant shall be charged the alternate traffic impact fee.
   2.   High Intensity Commercial Uses. If a high intensity commercial project will generate more than 18 p.m. peak hour trips per one thousand square feet, then the applicant shall be charged the alternate traffic impact fee.
   3.   Office. If an office project will generate more than 3.51 p.m. peak hour trips per one thousand square feet, then the applicant shall be charged the alternate traffic impact fee.
   4.   Commercial Uses. If a commercial project, other than a project determined to be a high intensity commercial or office project, will generate more than nine p.m. peak hour trips per one thousand square feet, then the applicant shall be charged the alternate traffic impact fee.
   5.   Mixed Uses. Total project p.m. peak trip generation for mixed use development shall be determined by calculating the trip generation of each use in the project using the trip generation rates established in Section 21.48.040 above.
   B.   Offset for Transportation Mitigation Measures. In the event the director of public works does determine that the alternative fee applies, the director of public works shall inform the applicant of such determination, the reasons therefor, and the calculation of the alternative fee. The applicant may then propose a transportation mitigation program (the "Mitigation Program"). The mitigation program may include an array of measures to reduce trips, modify trip profiles, alter the means of transportation, promote public transportation, construct or contribute to additional infrastructure improvements, or other similar measures. The mitigation program must be long term and incorporated in a recorded covenant, agreement, or other agreement in a form approved by the city attorney. The director of public works shall determine the number of peak hour trips that should be credited against the alternative fee due to the implementation of the mitigation program, but in no event shall the fee be reduced below the minimum traffic impact fee.
(Ord. 2003-10-1323 § 8)