20.72.090   Traffic study areas.
   There are a number of areas throughout the city where conditions exist which require a more thorough and special traffic analysis based upon future development projects before precise street alignment can be identified. The conditions which exist in these areas, which areas are shown by the letter "A" on the "Official Plan Lines Map of the City of Signal Hill," include the following:
   A.   Undeveloped and/or substandard streets which primarily provide access to oil operations. Such roadways were mapped more than fifty years ago and may not adequately address such issues as design speeds, severe grade changes, circulation, property access, view corridors, indirect traffic impacts and development potential;
   B.   A number of relatively long dead-end streets exist where there is still a reasonable possibility for continuation through to other existing streets in order to improve overall traffic circulation and public safety;
   C.   Areas exist where large scale development may occur based upon developable land areas available. In some cases the need for new streets may exist while certain existing streets and alleys may be eliminated, modified or realigned in order to better serve overall traffic circulation.
   Development in each study area shall include a complete traffic analysis of the study area, prepared by a registered traffic engineer for review and approval by the city engineer. The study shall review existing and proposed roadway alignments, traffic patterns, view corridors, property access, cumulative traffic impacts, need for traffic control devices, development potential and zoning. The study shall recommend the precise alignment of streets within the subject study area. The study shall avoid the following conditions: cul-de-sacs on streets exceeding six hundred feet in length, street grades exceeding ten percent, creation of double-frontage lots, offset intersections less than one hundred fifty feet apart, inadequate design speeds and skewed intersections. The development shall be in accordance with the recommendations in the study, as approved by the city engineer.
(Ord. 87-11-997 § 5 (part))