16.16.100   Cellars.
   The following requirement shall apply to cellars:
   A.   Every cellar shall be constructed in accordance with Title 15 of this code or with the most current American Petroleum Institute (A.P.I.) and California Division of Industrial Safety Standards, whichever are more restrictive.
   B.   Cellars shall be kept free of all oil, water, or debris at all times. During drilling and redrilling, the cellar shall be kept free of excess fluids by a pump which either discharges into a waste tank, mud pit, vacuum truck, or other approved disposal system.
   C.   Multiwell cellars exceeding three feet in depth and twenty-five feet in length shall have two means of entrance and exit and an additional exit for every fifty feet in length thereafter. At least one means of entrance or exit for all multiwell cellars of twenty-five feet in length shall be a stairway constructed to California Division of Industrial Safety standards.
   D.   Single cellars shall be covered with open grating and have no openings larger than three inches at any point. Covers shall be capable of supporting vehicle weight or be guardrailed to prevent vehicle access.
   E.   Openings for ladders through grating shall be designed to allow exit from underside without obstruction, and shall be kept free of storage of any type. Said opening shall not be less than twenty-four inches on any side.
   F.   All bolts for blow-out prevention flanges and kill valves at casing head shall be kept free of fluids to allow for routine inspection at any time.
(Ord. 90-08-1074 § 4 (part))