13.01.040   Applicable laws.
   A franchisee shall be subject to all provisions of the franchise agreement and all applicable municipal, State, and Federal laws and regulations as well as the regulations of any other public agency having jurisdiction over territory located within the city. In the event of any conflict between municipal regulations and state and federal laws, then state and federal law shall prevail, unless such matters are a local affair and governed by the charter. The grant of a franchise shall not relieve the franchisee of any obligation under this code to obtain any building or construction permits, right-of-way permits, public works permits, excavation permits, use permits, or any other specific authorization that may be required for the proposed project. Unless the franchise agreement adopted by the city council provides otherwise, a franchise does not grant a right to construct or install physical improvements at specified locations, until such time as said locations shall be determined and approved pursuant to applicable planning or engineering processes and permits.
(Ord. 2009-08-1401 § 1(part), 2009)