12.16.110   Pollutant source reduction.
   A.   Treatment Systems. All persons who own, operate or maintain storm water clarifiers, separators, sediment ponds, LID BMPs, and other storm water treatment systems shall at all times maintain such systems in good working order and repair. This maintenance requirement shall be understood to include any maintenance activities necessary to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to achieve water quality standards/receiving water limitations, and prevent the breeding of vectors. Such systems shall be constructed and installed in a manner so as to at all times permit easy and safe access for proper maintenance, repair and inspection. Documentation on operation and maintenance activities shall be retained onsite at all times, and made available upon request by an authorized enforcement officer.
   B.   Industrial Sites. Each owner, operator or person in charge of day-to-day activities at any industrial site (including construction sites) within the City shall implement those minimum BMPs as may be designated by the Director, as necessary to control Pollutants (or the potential contribution of Pollutants) that exist or may exist in Discharges in runoff from such facility into the MS4. For those industrial sites that are located within ESAs or that are tributary to Impaired Water Bodies, and those industrial sites implementing BMPs that are not adequate to achieve Water Quality Standards, the Director may impose additional BMPs or additional controls in existing BMPs may be required to be implemented as required by the Director.
   C.   Commercial, Residential Uses. All owners, operators, and/or persons in charge of the day-to-day activities in any commercial (including institutional) or residential facility, or any other non-industrial operation within the City, shall implement those BMPs as may be required by the Director and needed to reduce the discharge of Pollutants into the MS4, as well as such additional controls as needed to avoid causing or contributing to an exceedence of a Water Quality Standard, or to reduce Pollutants in runoff in or discharging to an ESA or such areas that are tributary to an Impaired Water Body.
(Ord. 2013-11-1462 § 1; Ord. 2013-06-1455 § 2)