A. Placement of Street Trees. The Director of Public Works shall make the determination on the placement and selection of new street trees. This determination will be based on criteria defined in this section; however, other criteria that may be unique to a given location will also be considered.
B. Street tree species selection. Absent unique circumstances, the Director of Public Works will make a determination on the selection of new street trees from the proposed street tree species list in the city's most current Street Tree Master Plan. The proposed street tree species must be listed in the city's most current Street Tree Master Plan Update. The Street Tree Planting Schedule contained in the Street Tree Master Plan lists approved street species based on street name and address blocks. In most cases there are at least two or three species that can be selected at a given location. The minimum size for a street tree planting/replacement shall be a 15-gallon container.
C. New street tree placement. Features that may be unique to an individual street parkway will be taken into consideration by the Director of Public Works when placing a new street tree. These include width of parkway, width of sidewalk, existence of sidewalk, utility poles, street lights, bus stops, traffic signs, ADA accessibility, utility boxes, and fire hydrants. Therefore, the following planting guidelines must be followed by the Director of Public Works to optimize street tree planting opportunities.
1. Street trees shall have an approximate spacing range correspondent to the following mature plant sizes:
Small trees: 15 to 20 feet apart
Medium trees: 20 to 30 feet apart
Large trees: 30 to 40 feet apart
Refer to the street tree palette of the latest Street Tree Master Plan when determining plant sizes. Street trees shall be planted in accordance to the above range while considering proximity to street lights, power poles, driveways, meters, fire hydrants. drains, overhead and underground utilities.
2. Street trees shall be placed 20 feet from a street light or power pole where possible.
3. Street trees shall be placed a minimum of 15 feet from the start of a street curb return.
4. Street trees shall be placed a minimum of 10 feet from a fire hydrant or driveway approach and a minimum of 5 feet from a utility meter where possible.
5. Street trees shall be centered in the parkway between the sidewalk and curb unless near a bus stop. Street trees shall be spaced at a distance between 5 to 15 feet apart from bus stops where possible.
6. Street tree well sizes must be a minimum of 4 feet wide by 6 feet long by 3 feet deep and provide enough sidewalk clearance to meet ADA access requirements.
7. Tree species must be listed in the street tree palette of the latest Street Master Plan.
D. New street tree planting - property owner request. The following process shall be utilized by an applicant when requesting a new street tree to be planted:
1. The property owner shall complete a Street Tree Request Application.
2. The property owner shall include the following information in the Application: (i) a sketch of the property owner's adjacent parkway showing all pertinent information as detailed in Subsection C of this Section, and (ii) choice of tree species out of the proposed street tree species list in the City's most current Street Tree Master Plan.
3. Applications will be reviewed and approved or denied by the Public Works Director on a case by case basis based on the Public Works Department staff's assessment of the applicant's request, extent of the need for the new street tree, and estimating the cost for same.
a. If the Application is approved for a property where street tree(s) currently exist adjacent to the applicant's property, all costs to have a new tree planted under this Section, shall be that of the property owner. If mutually agreed to by the applicant and the Public Works Director, the new street tree planting shall be performed within 30 days provided.
b. If the Application is approved and it is determined that the property owner is responsible for the cost of the work, the city will prepare a written cost estimate and will forward to the applicant with written approval of the application. Prior to the commencement of the work, the applicant must deposit funds with the city to cover the cost of the street tree planting work including all incidental costs in compliance with Section 12.05.060 of this chapter.
c. If the application is approved for a property where street tree(s) currently do not exist adjacent to the applicant's property, the city is responsible for the cost of the planting of the street trees per Section 12.05.060 of this chapter and as city budget allows on a first-come, first-served basis.
4. Any person dissatisfied with the decision of the Public Works Director may appeal such decision to the City Council in compliance with Section 12.05.070 of this chapter. (Ord. 2023-02-1543 § 3, 2023: Ord. 2011-11-1441 § 1 (part), 2011)