8.08.060   Prohibited acts.
   A.   Burning of Trash. No person shall burn any refuse within the city.
   B.   Burying of Trash. No person shall bury any refuse within the city.
   C.   Unlawful Dumping. It is unlawful for any person to place, deposit or dump solid waste of any kind whatsoever upon any public property or any private property that is not a site designated for solid waste disposal or recycling, or to cause, suffer or permit such solid waste to be placed, deposited or dumped upon such public or private property, without properly disposing such waste in a household refuse container, dumpster, or recycling container as permitted by the owner or occupant of the property.
   D.   Prohibited Wastes. No person shall place the following in any household refuse container or dumpster: ammunition, explosives, industrial waste, chemicals, infectious waste, hazardous waste, radioactive waste, acids, drugs, medicines, animal carcasses, human feces.
   E.   Evading Charges. No person shall use the refuse container of another or one that is publicly owned in order to evade refuse collection charges. No person shall place refuse in containers belonging to premises other than where the refuse was generated without the consent of the owner or occupant of the premises.
   F.   Tampering with Refuse Containers. No person shall tamper, paint, alter or meddle with refuse containers.
   G.   Not Controlling Refuse. No person shall throw or scatter refuse, or permit refuse to blow-off or wash away from premises controlled by them.
   H.   Accumulating Waste. Excepting recyclable materials being held for recycling, no person shall accumulate refuse for more than one week.
    I.   Scavenging. No person shall scavenge. Scavenging is prohibited. Scavenging is the act of sorting through a refuse container belonging to another or removing any item from another's refuse which has been placed for collection.
(Ord. 2010-05-1415 § 8: Ord. 90-11-1082 § 1 (part))