5.18.020   Official guest registration cards.
    Each hotel/motel in the city shall obtain official guest registration cards from the city or obtain city approval of any alternate card or system to be used by the hotel/motel to store guest information. Guest registration cards shall be used to make a permanent record of the name, address, official identification card number and automobile license plate number of all persons letting, leasing or renting any hotel/motel room within the city. The guest registration cards shall also be used to record the date and time such person registers at the hotel or motel and the room number or other designations of the room which such person lets, leases, or rents. Any alternate guest registration card or system proposed by a hotel/motel will be approved by the city so long as it calls for/stores all of the above delineated information and the data is readily available for inspection as provided for in Section 5.18.060 below.
(Ord. 2011-08-1431 § 1 (part), 2011; Ord. 93-07-1160 § 1 (part))