Every person who in the city engages in any professional or semiprofessional business or occupation for which no license tax is specifically provided in this chapter shall pay an annual license tax computed as follows: forty dollars plus twenty dollars for each partner or associate in excess of one, plus two dollars for each employee in excess of two employed by the licensee during the previous calendar year as determined in accordance with Section 5.04.100.
(Ord. 78-6-798 § 2 (part); prior code § 5.08.050 (Ord. 494 § 43, 1960))
Every person not having a regularly established place of business in this city who in this city engages in the business of selling at retail or solicits orders for the retail sale of any goods, wares, or merchandise of whatever nature, kind, or description for which no license tax is specifically provided in this chapter, and every person engaging in this city in the business of a bakery route, vegetable route, ice route, water route (distilled, spring, mineral, aerated), dairy route, fuel-oil route, laundry route, drycleaning route or other routes of a like or similar nature shall pay an annual license tax of forty dollars for the first vehicle used in this city in such business plus twenty dollars for each additional vehicle used in this city for such business.
(Ord. 78-6-798 § 2 (part): prior code § 5.08.080 (Ord. 494 § 46, 1960))
Every person who in this city engages in the business of selling at retail or wholesale any goods, wares, merchandise, commodities or services or who conducts or carries on any trade, occupation, business, or calling, for which no license or license tax is specifically provided in this chapter shall pay an annual license tax computed as follows: forty dollars plus two dollars for each employee in excess of two but not over two hundred ninety-eight; and one dollar for each employee in excess of three hundred who was employed by such person during the previous calendar year as determined in accordance with Section 5.04.100.
(Ord. 78-6-798 § 2 (part): prior code § 5.08.020 (Ord. 494 § 41, 1960))
Every person who engages in the occupation of driving a taxicab in the city shall pay a license tax in the amount of six dollars for the first year and four dollars per year thereafter.
(Ord. 78-6-798 § 2 (part): prior code § 5.08.180(C) (Ord. 494 § 56(c), 1960))
* For provisions regarding licensing and regulation of taxi services and taxi drivers, see Ch. 5.32 of this code.