3.24.160   Issuance of general warrants.
   General warrants shall not be signed or delivered by the director of finance unless the demands in payments of which they are drawn have been approved for payment by the city council. Such approval may be given by the city council by any of the following methods:
   A.   By designating in its budget, or by minute order subsequent to the adoption of the budget, specific budgeted items which may be paid without prior audit of the city council; provided, that the director of finance must in each instance attach to the demand his certificate that the demand conforms to the budget;
   B.   By auditing and approving an individual demand for payment, in which case the approval shall be noted on the demand over the signature of the presiding officer of the meeting at which the approval is given;
   C.   By auditing and approving for issuance the warrants listed upon a warrant register presented to the city council, in which case the approval shall be noted on the register over the signature of the presiding officer of the meeting at which the approval is given.
(Prior code § 2.12.210 (Ord. 506 § 9(d), 1961))