3.24.010   Accounting funds generally.
   For accounting purposes the funds set forth in this chapter are created.
(Prior code § 2.12.050 (Ord. 506 § 5 (part), 1961))
3.24.020   General fund.
   The purpose of the general fund shall be to provide for and reflect the general operations of the city. It shall be the repository of all moneys which are not required by other provisions of this chapter or any law of the state to be placed in any other fund, and the moneys therein shall be used for payment of all expenditures which are not, by other provisions of this chapter or state law, made payable out of any other fund.
(Prior code § 2.12.060 (Ord. 506 § 5(a), 1961))
3.24.030   Capital outlay fund.
   The purpose of the capital outlay fund shall be to provide for the accumulation of funds for capital outlays. It shall be the repository of all moneys raised by tax levy for the designated purpose of financing capital outlays, and also moneys transferred thereto from other funds by order of the city council. Such fund shall be restricted in use to payment of capital outlays but, except for the city's waterworks and system, shall not be used for public utility acquisition or improvement.
(Prior code § 2.12.070 (Ord. 506 § 5(b), 1961))
3.24.040   Library fund.
   The purpose of the library fund shall be to provide for and reflect the operations of the city library. It shall be the repository of all money raised by tax levy for the designated purpose of maintaining and operating the city library, the proceeds of any gift, devise, or bequest which is not restricted by the donor to some other use, and any amounts transferred thereto from the city's general fund. It shall be restricted in use to the maintenance and operation of the city's public library.
(Prior code § 2.12.080 (Ord. 506 § 5(c), 1961))
3.24.050   Traffic safety fund.
   The purpose of the traffic safety fund shall be to provide for proper accountability of traffic fines. It shall be the repository of all amounts remitted to the city on account of fines and forfeitures imposed upon persons charged with the violation of provisions of the State Vehicle Code. It shall be restricted in use to the purposes for which such funds are authorized to be used under the provisions of Section 42200 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California or any other law of the state governing their use.
(Prior code § 2.12.090 (Ord. 506 § 5(d), 1961))
3.24.060   Motor vehicle license fee fund.
   The purpose of the motor vehicle license fee fund shall be to provide for proper accountability of motor vehicle license fees. It shall be the repository of all moneys remitted to the city by the state on account of motor vehicle license fees and ad valorem taxes levied by the state in lieu of local property taxes on motor vehicles. The fund shall be restricted in use to law enforcement, regulation and control of highway traffic, fire protection of highway traffic, and for general purposes of interest to the state at large.
(Prior code § 2.12.100 (Ord. 506 § 5(e), 1961))