2.88.040   Appeals.
   Any person subject to suspension of his or her borrowing or library visitation privileges, as authorized by subsection (A) or (B) of section 2.88.030, may appeal the suspension to a hearing officer by completing an appeal form, stating the basis of the appeal, and returning it to the city clerk’s office within seven days of the start of the suspension.
   1.   The city manager or his or her designee shall serve as the hearing officer for any appeal.
   2.   City staff shall submit a written report concerning the suspension to the hearing officer, with a copy to the person requesting the hearing, within ten business days of the city’s receipt of the request for appeal. The hearing officer may request additional written or oral information from city staff or the recipient of the suspension prior to issuing a written decision.
   3.   The hearing officer shall render a written decision within thirty business days of the city’s receipt of the request for appeal. The hearing officer may extend this thirty-day period, in writing, in order to gather and consider additional evidence.
   4.   Unless otherwise ordered by the hearing officer or by a court of competent jurisdiction, a suspension shall remain in effect during the pendency of any administrative or judicial appeal.
   5.   Any person directly aggrieved by an administrative decision of the hearing officer may obtain review of the administrative decision by filing a petition for review with the superior court in Los Angeles County.
(Ord. 2019-06-1507 §3 (part), 2019)