2.80.045   Civil service commission.
   A.   There is established a civil service commission which shall consist of five members to be appointed by not less than three-fifths vote of all the members of the city council. No person who holds office in the city government or who is employed by the city shall be appointed to the civil service commission or serve thereon, and the members of the commission shall be qualified electors of the city for the duration of their tenure of office, and for at least thirty days prior to appointment. In the event that a civil service commissioner changes his or her residence to one outside the city, he or she shall become ineligible to serve on the civil service commission.
   B.   The offices of the members of the civil service commission shall be designated as offices one, two, three, four, and five. The city council shall appoint a commissioner to fill each office. As of June 1, 1994, three civil service commissioner terms are scheduled to expire on June 1, 1995, and two terms are scheduled to expire on June 1, 1997. The terms scheduled to expire on June 1, 1995 are shortened to expire on September 30, 1994 and are designated as offices one, two, and three. The terms scheduled to expire on June 1, 1997 are shortened to May 31, 1997, and are designated as offices four and five. On or about October 1, 1994, new appointments will be made to fill offices one, two, and three. The initial terms of offices one and two shall be until May 31, 1999. The initial term of office three shall be until May 31, 1997. Thereafter, the succeeding terms shall be four years for each office. Each member of the commission shall serve until his/her successor is appointed and qualified. Vacancies on the commission arising from any cause whatsoever shall be filled by appointment by the city council for the unexpired term. A commissioner may be removed at any time by a vote of not less than three-fifths vote of all the members of the city council. In making appointments and filling vacancies, the city shall comply with Government Code Section 54970, et seq., requiring open lists of local appointive offices; provided that upon a finding that an emergency exists, an unscheduled vacancy may be filled immediately without notice, on an acting basis until a final appointment is made.
   C.   The commission, by a majority vote, shall annually, at its June meeting, elect a chairman who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission. If a vacancy should occur in the office of chairman, the commission shall elect a new chairman who shall serve for the unexpired term. The chairman shall preside at all meetings of the commission and execute documents on behalf of the commission.
   D.   The commission shall designate one officer of the city to serve as secretary to the commission, subject to the confirmation of the city council. The secretary shall be responsible for making, keeping, and preserving all records of the commission at City Hall, including minutes of each meeting, and is designated as the official upon or with whom all notices, requests for hearing, complaints, and other documents relating to civil service shall be served and filed. The secretary shall perform such other duties as the city council or the commission shall require.
   E.   The city attorney shall serve as the legal advisor to the commission in all matters except in a hearing where, due to the city attorney's prior involvement with the parties, the city attorney will represent one of the parties or otherwise must withdraw from representing the commission.
   F.   During their tenure of office, and for a period of one year thereafter, a member of the civil service commission shall be disqualified for appointment to any position in the classified service of the city. No member of the commission shall be interested directly or indirectly in any contract with the city, or with any officer thereof in his/her official capacity, or in doing any work or furnishing any supplies.
(Ord. 94-09-1185 § 3; Ord. 94-06-1180 § 4: Ord. 91-08-1111 §§ 1, 2; Ord. 89-04-1029 § 1; Ord. 86-03-970 § 1 (part), 1986)