A. It shall be the obligation of members of the parks and recreation commission to attend all meetings, whether regular or special, of the parks and recreation commission, except for good cause. If a commissioner knows he or she will be unable to attend a meeting of the commission, the commissioner must contact the chairperson of the commission or the staff member assigned to the commission prior to the time established for commencement of the meeting. The commissioner must explain his or her reasons for being absent. At the beginning of the commission meeting, the chairperson shall inform the commission of the reason for the absence of any commissioner, and the commission shall determine whether such absence stems from good cause and whether such absence is excused or unexcused. Failure by any commissioner to make said contact prior to the commencement of the commission meeting shall automatically be deemed an unexcused absence.
B. In the event that any commissioner arrives at a meeting after the commission determines that the commissioner's absence is unexcused, the commissioner may give his or her reasons for being late, and the commission may then rescind its prior action and find such absence to be excused, but otherwise, the late arrival shall be deemed an unexcused absence.
C. After a commissioner has accumulated three unexcused absences in any calendar year, and upon the occurrence of the next unexcused absence, the commissioner shall be deemed to be automatically removed from the commission, and their office shall be deemed vacated by operation of law.
D. A commissioner who misses any regular commission meeting due to an unexcused absence shall not be entitled to receive compensation for such meeting. Attending ad hoc or committee meetings on behalf of the city is on a volunteer basis and commissioners shall not receive any compensation for attending such meetings. (Ord. 2016-11-1943 § 2; Ord. 88-09-1014 § 2 (part))