2.32.010   Established.
   A parks and recreation commission is created and established to be known as the parks and recreation commission of the city of Signal Hill.
(Ord. 70-6-661 § 1 (part): prior code § 2.33.010)
2.32.020   Membership.
   The parks and recreation commission shall consist of five members who shall be electors of the city, and two ex officio nonvoting members selected as follows: one from school grades below the ninth grade, and one from school grades above the ninth grade, both students of the city.
(Ord. 70-6-661 § 1 (part): prior code § 2.33.020)
2.32.030   Duties.
   The parks and recreation commission shall act in an advisory capacity to the council and the administrative officer. It shall interpret to public officials and the general public the leisure-time needs, facilities, and services of the citizens of Signal Hill, in order that adequate support may be obtained for programs therefor. It shall recommend general policies concerning all parks and recreation properties, facilities, plans, programs, and activities. It may evaluate suggestions, criticisms, and comments in light of such policies. It may recommend a long-range program for the improvement, acquisition, and development of parks and recreation facilities and for the extension of services. The commission shall perform such additional duties as may be designated by the council by ordinance or resolution.
(Ord. 70-6-661 § 1 (part): prior code § 2.33.030)