Section 151.22.026 RV - Recreational Vehicle Park (RVP) Overlay District
A.   Purpose. The purpose of the RVP overlay district is to allow the establishment of recreational vehicle parks as a primary or secondary use within manufactured home parks through the permanent or semi-permanent conversion of manufactured home spaces to recreational vehicle spaces to provide market flexibility while creating an attractive, functional, safe environment that is compatible with surrounding properties.
B.   Approval Required. The RVP overlay district may hereafter be established by amendment to the Official Zoning Map, pursuant to Article 151.31 of this Code.
C.   Location. The following criteria shall be met in establishing and maintaining a RVP overlay district:
   1.   The subject property shall not be less than ten (10) acres in size and be developed as a manufactured home park.
   2.   The base zoning designation on the property shall be Manufactured Home Residence (MHR) District.
D.   Permitted Uses:
   1.   All principal and accessory uses permitted in the underlying zoning district.
   2.   Recreational vehicles.
E.   Area and Dimensional Regulations:
   1.   Required Yards: No less than five feet from the space line and common drives.
   2.   Maximum Building Height: 28 feet.
   3.   Maximum Density: 10 manufactured homes per acre/15 recreational vehicles per acre.
F.   Development Standards.
   1.   No more than one manufactured home or recreational vehicle shall be placed on each space.
   2.   All manufactured homes shall install skirting as required by the Arizona Department of Housing, Manufactured Home Division, and the most recently adopted building codes. Skirting shall be maintained to its original installed condition.
   3.   Each space shall be identified with a permanent and clearly marked identifying marker indicating the space number.
   4.   Fire pits shall be restricted to designated communal areas.
   5.   Community laundry and shower facilities shall be provided if the number of recreational vehicle spaces exceeds 30 percent of overall spaces within the park.
      a.   At least one washer and dryer per twenty-five spaces; and
      b.   At least one men's and women's shower stall per fifty spaces.
   6.   Storage units containing a volume of no less than 180 cubic feet shall be provided for 25 percent of designated recreational vehicle spaces when the number of recreational vehicle spaces exceed 30 percent of the overall spaces within the park. Storage units may be consolidated within a structure provided they are individually secure and located within the recreational vehicle designated area or common area.
G.   Sign Regulations. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.10 .
H.   Off-Street Parking and Loading. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.09 .
I.   Landscaping, Screening, and Buffering. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.15 for Recreational Vehicle or Mobile Home Park uses. For existing manufactured home parks, a minimum ten-foot wide landscape buffer shall be maintained along exterior property lines adjoining a public right of way exclusive of permitted driveways, pedestrian openings, or any significant natural feature to be retained. If the exterior boundary does not possess a wall as required by Section 151.15.005 (5), a continuous hedge using shrubs that reach at least six feet in height at maturity may be used as a screening device unless an alternative plan is approved by the City that is determined to provide an equivalent amount of landscape buffering. Street frontages shall have an average of one tree per 50 feet of frontage. Street trees shall meet the minimum specifications of Section 151.15.004 of this Code.
J.   Access. Any new or modified access point shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 151.17 .
(Res. 2021-031, passed 5-13-21; Ord. 2021-005, passed 6-24-21)