Section 151.22.017 OP - Office Professional
A.   Purpose. This zoning district is intended to provide an environment desirable for and conducive to development of office and related uses adjacent to commercial uses. In addition, certain other kinds of uses are permitted under conditions and standards which assure their compatibility with a general concentration of office use as well as with the medium- and high-density residential districts which will often adjoin the OP District. This district will generally serve to provide a transition from, and occur between, the commercial uses and residential districts.
B.   Approval Required. No structure or building shall be built or remodeled upon land in the OP District until all required site plan and/or subdivision approvals have been obtained.
C.   Location. The following criteria shall be considered in establishing and maintaining an OP district.
   1.   Corresponds to appropriate designation in the General Plan.
   2.   Corresponds to an existing district or development in an area annexed into the City.
D.   Permitted Uses
   1.   Principal and accessory uses in this district shall be allowed as provided under Section 151.22.006, Matrix of Use Permissions by Zoning District.
E.   Property Development Standard
   1.   Required Area. No minimum area requirement.
   2.   Maximum Building Height. No building shall exceed 35 feet in height except that within 100 feet of any UR, SFR, MFR, MHR or RV district, no building shall exceed 25 feet in height.
   3.   Required Yards
      a.   Front Yards - 40 feet.
      b.   Where a lot has double frontage on two streets, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets.
      c.   Where a lot is located at the intersection of two or more streets, the required front yard shall be provided on one street and a yard having a depth of not less than 20 feet shall be provided on the intersecting street.
      d.   Side and Rear Yard - See Article 151.15.
   4.   Operations and Storage. All operations and storage shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building.
F.   Non-Residential Accessory Buildings
   1.   Maximum Height. 15 feet above grade.
   2.   Maximum Yard Coverage. 35 percent of the required side and rear yards.
   3.   Location Restrictions. No accessory building shall be erected in any minimum required front yard, except as otherwise provided in this code.
   4.   Setback Requirements. Accessory buildings shall be set back from the side lot line and the rear lot line a distance not less than 3 feet, except:
      a.   for a lot having its rear lot line contiguous with an alley line, no rear setback shall be required for the accessory building(s), or
      b.   for a corner lot abutting a key lot and not separated by an alley, any accessory building shall be setback from the rear lot line a distance not less than the width of the least required side yard applicable to the main building, or
      c.   for a corner lot, the street side setback shall be the same as for the main building.
G.   Off-Street Parking and Loading. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.09.
H.   Sign Regulations. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.10.
I.   Landscaping, Screening and Buffering. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.15.
J.   Access. In accordance with the provisions of Article 151.17.
(Ord. 743, passed 4-10-86; Am. Ord. 764, passed 1-8-87; Am. Ord. 834, passed 3-9-89; Am. Ord. 934, passed 10-28-93; Am. Ord. 1086, passed 2-11-99; Am. Ord. 2011-012, passed 9-22-11)