Section 151.18.004 Tiered Development Review Process
The tiered development review process is designed to calibrate the levels of review and approval to be proportionate to the nature and scope of the development and degree of impact on the community. Permit applications for new construction shall be reviewed in accordance with the levels of review as set forth in this section.
Level 1
Subthreshold Review
Plot Plan - Administrative
Level 2
Small Scale Review
Site Plan - Administrative
Level 3
Full Scale Review
Site Plan - Development Review Committee
Level 1
Subthreshold Review
Plot Plan - Administrative
Level 2
Small Scale Review
Site Plan - Administrative
Level 3
Full Scale Review
Site Plan - Development Review Committee
New Principal Buildings
Not Applicable
New principal buildings or expansions which conform to a previously approved site plan
New principal buildings not associated with a previously approved site plan
Existing Buildings
Alterations of buildings or structures which result in a cumulative addition of 2,500 square feet or less and which comply with all applicable requirements, including, but not limited to, setback, parking, and Building Code standards*
Alterations of buildings or structures which result in a cumulative addition of between 2,501 and 5,000 square feet*
Alterations of buildings or structures which result in a cumulative addition greater than the Level 2 thresholds *
Accessory Buildings and Structures
Gross floor area is 2,500 square feet or less
Gross floor area is between 2,501 and 5,000 square feet
Gross floor area is more than 5,000 square feet
Site improvements (including, but not limited to, parking lots, +walkways, patios, decks and other surface level improvements)
The proposed increase to the impervious surface resulting from site improvements shall not exceed ten (10) percent or 1,000sf whichever is less, unless a previously approved drainage master plan accommodates the increase.**
The proposed increase to the impervious surface resulting from site improvements above the Level 1 threshold shall not exceed 10 percenter 5,000sf, unless a previously approved drainage master plan accommodates the increase.**
The proposed increase to the impervious surface resulting from site improvements is greater than 10 percent unless a previously approved drainage master plan accommodates the increase.
Other improvements
Determined by the Community Development Director to meet the intent of Level 1 Review.
Determined by the Community Development Director to meet the intent of Level 2 Review.
Determined by the Community Development Director to meet the intent of Level 3 Review.
*The total amount of allowable alterations of total gross floor area conducted/permitted on a particular property in accordance with subsections (b) and (c) of this section will be computed on a cumulative bases for five (5) year periods of time. The initial five (5) year period shall start on the date of adoption. At the end of each five (5) year period occurring thereafter, the cumulative total of allowable alterations that may be made to the gross square footage of buildings or structures located on a particular site shall reset to zero. The new cumulative total gross square footage at the end of a five (5) year period shall comprise the base gross square footage applicable to any site improvements conducted within the subsequent five (5) year period.
**The City Engineer may modify the impervious surface thresholds for Levels 1 and 2 applications upon a finding that the City's stormwater drainage requirements will be substantially maintained or met upon improvements being completed.
(Ord. 2023-003, passed 4-6-23)