A. If the Commission has held a public hearing, the Council may adopt the recommendations of the Commission without holding a second public hearing if there is no objection, request for public hearing, or other protest.
B. If an objection, request for public hearing, or other protest is formally submitted, a public hearing shall be required before the Council. The public hearing shall be advertised and meet the public notice requirements as stated 151.31.004. Requests for public hearing, objections, or protests, shall be submitted no more than seven days after the Commission has rendered their decision.
a. The Council shall act to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request. Any decision must include a determination on whether the request is compliant with findings as stated in 151.31.005.(B). The Director of Community Development shall notify the applicant of the action.
C. The Council shall hold a public hearing should the Fort Huachuca Encroachment Board provide comments or analysis concerning the compatibility of the proposed Zoning District Map Amendment within the high noise or accident potential generated by the military airport or ancillary military facility operations, that may have an adverse impact on public health and safety. The Council shall consider and analyze the comments or analysis before making a final determination.
(Res. 2021-014, passed 2-25-21; Am. Ord. 2021-004, passed 4-8-21; Am. Ord. 2024-008, passed 12-12-24)
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