A. The purpose of a PAD is to permit great design flexibility and, consequently, more creative and imaginative design for development than generally is possible under conventional zoning and subdivision regulations. It is intended that planned developments built pursuant to this section include the following objectives:
1. To ensure such developments are compatible, both in substance and location, with the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and/or other specific adopted area or neighborhood plans;
2. To promote flexibility and quality in design and to permit diversification in the location, type, and uses of structures;
3. To promote the efficient use of land by means of more economical arrangement of buildings, circulation systems, land uses, and utilities;
4. To preserve to the greatest extent possible the existing landscape features and amenities and to encourage the harmonious combination of such features with structures and other improvements;
5. To provide for useable and suitability located recreation facilities and other public and common facilities;
6. To combine and coordinate architectural styles, building forms and building relationships within the PADs in concert with adjacent and surrounding land and development; and
7. To ensure a high quality of development within the City.
B. Deviation from specific site development standards is allowable as long as the general purposes for the standards are achieved and the general provisions of the zoning regulations are observed. The planned approach is appropriate if it maintains compatibility with the surrounding area and creates an attractive, healthful, efficient, and stable environment. It should either promote a harmonious variety of grouping of uses, or utilize the economy of shared services and facilities.
('76 Code, Art. 12-1) (Ord. 743, passed 4-10-86)
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