Section 151.20.006 Architectural and Design Standards
A.   Facade Materials. Facade materials shall be appropriate to the architectural style and vernacular of the development and be of high quality and proven durability in Sierra Vista's weather conditions.
   1.   Approved facade materials include wood, stucco, brick, stone, textured concrete, glass, textured and split face or ground face concrete masonry units, and brick, stone, or metal veneers (and their artificial derivatives). Additional facade materials can be considered as determined by the City. The materials shall be incorporated in proportionate quantities to the overall building elevation based on the zoning and location of the development.
      a.   Project located within a commercial zoning district and adjacent to collector or arterial roadway shall require that 75 percent of the building wall visible from a public right-of-way or facing an existing residential use include an approved facade material.
      b.   Project located within a commercial zoning district and adjacent to local roadway shall require that 50 percent of the building wall visible from a public right-of- way or facing an existing residential use include an approved facade material.
      c.   Project located within a industrial zoning district shall require that 25 percent of the building wall visible from a public right-of-way include an approved facade material.
      d.   Project located within a residential zoning district shall require that 50 percent of the building wall visible from a public right-of-way or facing an existing residential use include an approved facade material.
   2.   At least two (2) different facade materials, shall be used on all walls of the building that are visible from a public right-of-way or adjacent to a residential use.
B.   Building Color. The following standards shall apply to building color:
   1.   A minimum of 75 percent of the exterior walls and roofs shall use muted colors and earth tones with a light reflectance value (LRV) of 50 percent or less.
   2.   Bright colors are appropriate only for accents.
C.   Building Scale. It is important that a building be scaled to its context. In order to ensure appropriate scale, the following standards shall be used:
   1.   Define a rhythm and pattern of windows, columns, awnings, and other architectural features;
   2.   Provide a human scale to the primary entrance;
   3.   Express the position of each floor in the external design of a building to establish a human scale:
      a.   Articulate structural elements; and/or
      b.   Change materials between floors; and/or
      c.   Use an expression line.
D.   Building Massing. The following massing techniques shall be used:
   1.   Wall planes shall be divided into modules that express traditional dimensions such that a primary facade plane shall not exceed 75 feet in length without a jog which shall divide the facade into subordinate elements each less than 75 feet in length.
   2.   Change the height of a wall plane or building mass by providing vertical articulation. The change in height shall be at least 20 percent of the vertical height of an adjacent wall plane or building mass;
   3.   Change the roof form to express different modules of the building mass;
   4.   Divide large wall planes into smaller components by changing the arrangement of windows and other facade articulation features, such as columns or strap work.
E.   Roof Form. Incorporate the following features to add architectural articulation and reduce perceived scale:
   1.   Overhanging Eaves;
   2.   Multiple roof planes;
   3.   A cornice or molding to define the top of a parapet;
   4.   A flat roof with parapet
   5.   A sloping roof with a minimum pitch of 4:12.
F.   Location and Orientation of Building Entrances. A building entrance serves both the building’s tenants and customers. In addition to its functionality, it can enliven the building’s context, especially    when the building entrance provides access directly from the public sidewalk. A city block with buildings that have entrances directly accessible from the public sidewalk encourages walkability and increases the possibilities for pedestrian movement and activities, including shopping and social interactions.
   1.   The following standards apply to the design and placement of building entrances:
      a.   The main entrance to a building that is open to the public shall be clearly identifiable by emphasizing and enhancing the level of architectural details such as a change in plane (e.g., porticos, recessed entrance on the street level facade), differentiation in material and color, or enhanced lighting.
      b.   The primary entrance of a building shall be oriented to face a street, plaza or pedestrian way.
      c.   Locate utility, mechanical room, or service entrance doors away from the public sidewalks.
G.   Windows. The placement, pattern, scale, size, and sequence of windows on building facades, including proportions and details around them, are an important aspect of a building’s fenestration as they determine its appeal, charm, and character. Buildings with poor fenestration appear visually uninteresting. Scale, proportion, added architectural details, such as appropriate use of materials, trims, bands (i.e., an expression line) and cornices bring visual interest to building facades, enhance the building’s design, provide a connection from the outside to the inside of the building through a window, and provide a human scaled backdrop to the street space.
   1.   The following standards apply to the design and placement of windows on a building.
      a.   Maximize the number of street level facade openings for windows.
      b.   Organize the placement of windows and doors on the building elevation relative to each other and the building’s forms to ensure they are balanced and proportionate.
      c.   Set storefront window frames at a height above the finished grade to reflect traditional main street building qualities, such as display windows.
      d.   Recess window frames, including storefronts, from the typical wall plane surface to provide a shadow line and to accentuate the storefront. At a minimum, the depth of the recess should be proportionate to the scale of the window.
      e.   For the upper level facades, provide a fenestration pattern that includes window openings that are greater in height than width.
      f.   Include operable windows on the upper level facade.
      g.   Delineate changes in surface material by a reveal or a recess detail.
H.   Site Design. Site design is an important factor when measuring the economic success of a commercial development. Careful planning, design, and construction enables new development to take advantage of Sierra Vista's climate to reduce energy usage and costs, thereby providing long term economic sustainability as energy prices fluctuate. On the other hand, poor project siting and design can detrimentally impact the potential to harvest solar energy, create a less automobile dependent environment, and address economic sustainability.
   1.   Pedestrian/Outdoor amenities. The following standards apply to the design and placement of pedestrian amenities:
      a.    Covered walkways or canopies;
      b.   Textured or raised pavement areas for pavement connections within a site. Such materials shall be designed to minimize the transition between differing surfaces and should themselves avoid excessive indentation or texturing;
      c.   Courtyards, pedestrian gathering areas. Low walls or split-rail fences, or similar, to define such areas, are encouraged.
      d.   Outdoor benches and elements that can be built to include seating, such as landscape planters;
      e.   Pedestrian-scale light fixtures in areas of high pedestrian use such as patios, outdoor dining areas, connecting pathways, etc.
      f.   Outdoor dining areas.
   2.   Orientation of Building(s). The following standards apply to the placement and orientation of buildings:
      a.   Orient to views of activities, architectural landmarks, or natural features to provide visual interest;
      b.   Orient buildings to take advantage of solar energy that will allow for passive heating of building, provide natural light, and harvest solar power.
(Ord. 2019-002, passed 4-11-19)