The preliminary plat of a subdivision is not intended to serve as a record plan. Its purpose is to show on a map all the facts needed to enable the Planning Commission to determine whether the proposed layout of the subdivision, including street layout, utilities and storm water controls, is acceptable from the standpoint of the public interest. Approval of the Preliminary Plat, in effect, provides a “Concept Approval” of the subdivision proposal.
   (a)   Procedure. All subdivision proposals located within the jurisdictional area of these Regulations shall be processed as a “major subdivision” except as provided under Section 1118.03.
      (1)   Within the Corporate Limits. Major subdivisions proposed within the City of Sidney Corporate Limits shall adhere to the following process:
         A.   The developer, when designing the subdivision plat, shall consult with City Staff to determine conformity and compliance with:
            1.   These Regulations;
            2.   The Official Thoroughfare Plan;
            3.   The City's Comprehensive Plan;
            4.   Zoning Code Requirements; and
            5.   Public improvement requirements.
            A sketch plan submit is encouraged.
         B.   Application for approval of a preliminary plat by the property owner or their designated agent shall be submitted to the Office of Community Development and Planning. The plat shall be submitted in ten (10) copies or one (1) reproducible copy, and shall be submitted at least three (3) weeks prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.
         C.   The preliminary plat shall be drawn on standard sized reproducible mylar or linen no larger than twenty-four by thirty-six inches and no smaller than eleven by seventeen inches, unless otherwise authorized. If the Preliminary Plat is to be drawn in sections, each section shall be accompanied by a key map, showing the location of the several sections.
         D.   The Planning Commission shall act on the preliminary plat within thirty- five business days of the date of the meeting at which the subdivision was first reviewed; if approving so indicate and if disapproving, shall express the reasons therefore.
         E.   Preliminary approval of the subdivision plat shall be noted in the official minutes as certified by the Chairman of the Planning Commission, on authorization by the Commission. Also noted will be the date on which the Commission granted preliminary approval.
         F.   Written notification shall be made to the subdivider or their agent, specifying the conditions, if any, of the Commission's approval, or the reasons of the Commission's denial of the Preliminary Plat.
         G.   The City Manager, or his or her authorized representative, shall have the discretion to process a combined preliminary/final plat in cases involving no new streets or street extensions (except width expansion of existing right-of-way). Such combined preliminary/final plats shall be submitted by the developer in accordance with Section 1118.05.
   (b)   Specifications. The following graphic and descriptive items are required to be shown on a preliminary plat:
      (1)   Items of Title.
         A.   Proposed Name of the Subdivision. The name shall not duplicate, or too closely approximate, the name of any other subdivision or street, subject to Planning Commission approval.
         B.   Location by numerically labeled inlot or outlot.
         C.   Name and address of property owner/developer.
         D.   Scale of the plan (not smaller than one inch equals 100 feet, preferably one inch equals fifty feet).
         E.   North arrow.
         F.   Name and address of the professional engineer or surveyor who prepared the plat, as well as the stamp and signature of the engineer or surveyor certifying the accuracy of the plat.
         G.   A certification statement signed by the developer, indicating his or her intention to subdivide and develop the land involved, as proposed on the plat.
         H.   Date of preparation.
      (2)   Existing Site Conditions/Characteristics.
         A.   Perimeter boundaries of the proposed subdivision indicated by a heavy solid line, and the approximate acreage comprised therein.
         B.   Location, widths, and names of all existing or platted streets, indicated as to: dedicated, undedicated, constructed or unimproved, official thoroughfares or other public ways, railroad and utility rights-of-way, easements, parks and other open spaces, permanent buildings, section and corporation lines within or adjacent to the subject tract.
         C.   Location and size of all existing utilities: sewers, water mains, telephone, electric, gas, culverts or other underground items located within or adjacent the subject tract.
         D.   Names of adjacent subdivisions and owners of adjoining parcels.
         E.   Topographic map of such proposed subdivision shall be submitted with the Preliminary Plat, showing two-foot contour intervals for all land within, and fifty feet adjacent the subject site.
      (3)   Proposed Site Conditions/Characteristics.
         A.   Street layout, including street names and widths, alleys, cross walkways, and easement and their dimensions.
         B.   Layout, numbers and approximate dimensions of lots including lot area (as measured in acres or square feet).
         C.   Parcels of land intended to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use, and the conditions of such dedication or reservation.
         D.   Building setback lines, along all streets, with dimensions.
         E.   Indication of the proposed zoning designation to identify the potential development so as to reveal the nature of the impact the proposal will have on traffic flow, fire hazard, congestion, public utility capacities, and required services.
         F.   A type-written copy of the protective covenants or deed restrictions, if any.
         G.   Indication of any developmental phasing or staged development timing.
   (c)   Construction Plans. The proposed preliminary subdivision plat shall be accompanied by three complete sets of preliminary construction plans consisting of:
      (1)   A centerline profile for each street shown thereon, drawn to a scale of at least one inch equals 100 feet.
      (2)   A preliminary layout, drawn to a scale of at least one inch equals 100 feet, including proposed placement of water lines, sanitary sewers and storm sewers.
      (3)   A preliminary drainage plan including proposed storm detention location.
      The preliminary construction plans shall also be submitted to the local utility companies.
   (d)   Planning Commission Review. The Planning Commission shall give careful study to the preliminary plat, taking into consideration the requirements of the community, and the best possible use of the land to be subdivided, together with its prospective character, whether residential, commercial or industrial. Attention shall be given to street widths, arrangement and circulation; surface drainage; lot sizes and arrangements; and to such neighborhood and community requirements as those of park, school and playground sites, and main thoroughfare widths and locations.
(Ord. A-2137. Passed 8-24-98; Ord. A-3075. Passed 1-24-22.)