(a)   Applicability and Purpose.
      (1)   The building design standards herein are intended to promote high-quality, aesthetically consistent, but not homogenous or monotonous, design for the promotion of the durability and longevity of buildings and the preservation of property values in the City.
      (2)   The building design standards herein as more fully set forth below shall apply to an expansion of an existing structure by an amount greater than or equal to 50% of the cumulative front-facing elevation(s) lineal width.
      (3)   Buildings in an IIM zone are not subject to the building design standards herein.
      (4)   Allowed exterior materials are determined by building elevation. Additional design standards specific to certain building elevations and circumstances may also apply as set forth herein.
      (5)   These standards are in addition to the development standards applicable in each zone and district. Where there is a conflict between the development standards in each zone and district and these building design standards, the building design standards herein shall govern and control.
   (b)   Single-Family and Two-Family Residential Building Design Standards. The following table sets forth required design standards for all new detached and attached single-family and two-family residential dwelling structures and all new additions to detached and attached single-family and two-family structures:
Front Elevation
1.   A front building elevation may contain an attached garage and visible garage door(s); provided that the portion of the front building elevation of the single-family structure devoted to the attached garage shall not be greater than or equal to 50% of the width of the front building elevation; and further provided that the roof peak of the garage portion of the front building elevation shall not be higher than the roof peak of the non-garage portion of the front building elevation; and further provided that the garage portion of the front building elevation shall not extend more than 20% closer to the front lot line than the non-garage portion of the front building elevation.
2.   A front building elevation shall have a prominent front entryway and door visible from the front lot line. In addition, the front elevation shall have at least two windows of no less than eight square feet each in size.
3.   The primary front entrance to a residential dwelling structure shall not be located on a side or rear elevation.
4.   If a three-bay garage is attached to the residential dwelling structure, then the third bay of the garage elevation shall be recessed from the remaining portion of the garage elevation by a minimum of four feet.
5.   Front porches are encouraged but not required; however, if they are provided, they shall be finished with at least one of the materials present on the front elevation.
6.   In any residential subdivision, monotony of front elevation design is prohibited, and no residential dwelling structures of the same front elevation design or predominant material shall be permitted to be located directly adjacent to one another.
Table 6: Single-family residential building design standards.
Rear Elevation
7.   Rear elevations shall contain at least two windows of eight square feet each.
8.   Enclosed porches or porticos attached to or within five feet of the residential dwelling structure shall be clad in the same materials as the majority portion of the rear elevation.
Corner Elevations
9.   Side elevations facing a street, such as those on a building situated on a corner lot, shall contain at least one window of eight square feet total.
Eaves/ Roof Overhangs
10.   Eaves and roof overhangs shall be a minimum of 12 inches from any exterior surface on all elevations.
11.   Gutters shall not count toward this requirement.
12.   Foundations shall be a minimum of four inches exposed or such greater amount as required by the Ohio Building Code.
Window Profiles
13.   Windows shall not be flush with exterior walls.
14.   Glass shall be inset from the exterior wall and/or frame surface to add relief to the wall surface.
15.   Bay windows or other windows designed to protrude beyond the exterior wall surface are permitted.
Table 7: (Continuation of Table 6) Single-family residential building design standards.
   (c)   Multi-Family Residential Building Design Standards. The following table sets forth required design standards for all new structures containing a multi-family use, all new additions to structures containing a multi-family use, and alterations to the front elevation of structures containing a multi-family use:
Front Elevation
1.   The front building elevation shall have a prominent front entryway and door and at least two windows of no less than eight square feet each in size per building floor.
Eaves/Roof Overhangs
2.   Eaves and roof overhangs shall be a minimum of 12 inches from any exterior surface on all elevations.
3.   Gutters shall not count toward this requirement.
4.   Foundations shall be a minimum of four inches exposed or such greater amount as required by the Ohio Building Code.
Window Profiles
5.   Windows shall not be flush with exterior walls.
6.   Glass shall be inset from the exterior wall and/or frame surface to add relief to the wall surface.
7.   Bay windows or other windows designed to protrude beyond the exterior wall surface are permitted.
Table 8: Multi-family residential building design standards.
   (d)   Commercial Building Design Standards. The following table sets forth required design standards for all new structures containing a commercial use, all new additions to structures containing a commercial use, and alterations to the front elevation of structures containing a commercial use:
Front Elevation1
1.   Front elevations shall be comprised of any one or any combination of the following materials: stone; brick; fiber cement siding; stucco; wood, engineered wood siding; pre-cast concrete;
2.   In any event, pre-cast concrete panels shall not exceed an area more than 50% of the front elevation.
3.   All columns, pilasters, and pillars on the front elevation shall be clad in stone, brick, or stucco.
4.   Metal cladding may be permitted on not more than 20% of the front elevation.
5.   Metal grills and thru-air units are not permitted on the front elevation.
Side Elevations
6.   Side elevations shall be clad in one or more of the materials of the front elevation. Metal cladding may be permitted on not more than 20% of the side elevations.
Rear Elevation
7.   Rear elevations shall be clad in one or more of the materials of the front elevation. Metal cladding may be permitted on not more than 20% of the side elevations.
8.   Rear elevations may contain docks and overhead doors.
Corner Elevation
9.   Side elevations facing a street, such as those on a building situated on a corner lot, shall be required to have the same proportion of transparency as the front street elevation.
Pre-Cast Concrete
10.   Pre-cast concrete exteriors shall not have a plain, smooth surface.
11.   The surface of pre-cast concrete walls shall be textured, veneered, stamped, imprinted, or otherwise finished with architectural designs, details, patterns or materials.
Parapet Walls
12.   Parapet walls shall be of the same finish materials as the front elevation directly below the parapet wall and both sides of the wall shall be finished.
13.   No exposed concrete block shall be permitted on a parapet wall.
14.   If balconies are included, balconies shall be incorporated into the facade of the structure and shall contain a metal, powder-coated aluminum, or engineered wood railing.
15.   Natural wood railings shall not be permitted on a balcony.
Table 9: Commercial building design standards.
   (e)   Court Square District Design Standards. The following table sets forth required design standards for all new structures within the Court Square Design District, all new additions to structures in the CSD, and alterations to the front elevation of structures within the CSD, except for structures used for one- and two-unit dwellings:
Front Elevation
1.   Front elevations shall be comprised of any one or any combination of the following materials: stone; brick; stucco; synthetic stucco; glass curtain wall; or wood; provided that a minimum of 50% of the front elevation, excluding fenestration, shall be clad in mortared masonry.
2.   All columns, pilasters, and pillars on the front elevation shall be clad in stone, brick, or stucco.
Front Elevation
3.   The front entrance shall be highlighted with one of the following features: canopy, arcade, portico, stoop, building recess, awning, or moldings.
4.   Blank, windowless walls in excess of 750 square feet are prohibited when facing a public street unless required by the Ohio Building Code. In instances where a blank wall exceeds 750 square feet, it shall be articulated
Side Elevations
5.   Side elevations shall be fully clad in the predominant material of the front elevation.
6.   Side elevations shall not contain any loading docks or overhead doors unless such overhead doors are used in connection with an eating establishment.
Rear Elevation
7.   Rear elevations shall be clad in the same material as the side elevations.
8.   Rear elevations may contain docks and overhead doors.
Corner Elevation
9.   Side elevations facing a street, such as those on a building situated on a corner lot, shall be required to have the same proportion of transparency as the front street elevation
Parapet Walls
10.   Parapet walls shall be of the same finish materials as the front elevation directly below the parapet wall and both sides of the wall shall be finished.
11.   No exposed concrete block shall be permitted on a parapet wall.
12.   If balconies are included, balconies shall be incorporated into the facade of the structure and shall contain a metal, powder-coated aluminum, or engineered wood railing.
13.   Natural wood railings shall not be permitted on a balcony.
Table 10: Building design standards for any structure in the Court Square District.
   (f)   General Design Standards.
      (1)   Concrete block shall not be permitted on any exterior elevation. Split-faced concrete block shall not be used on any front elevation but may be used on a side and rear elevation of a building containing a commercial use so long as the elevation does not face a street or public way.
      (2)   Glass block shall not be used on any front elevation.
      (3)   An applicant shall provide a sample of all proposed materials to be reviewed and approved by the Administrator for compliance with the standards set forth herein.
      (4)   All materials shall be rated and certified for exterior usage and shall be fully compliant with all applicable building and fire codes, regulations, and ordinances.
      (5)   A material other than those permitted herein may be proposed by an applicant and approved by the Administrator if the Administrator finds, according to their professional opinion, that:
         A.   The material does not alter the essential character of the neighborhood; and
         B.   The material does not conflict with the objectives of the adopted comprehensive plan.
(Ord. A-3075. Passed 1-24-22; Ord. A-3079. Passed 2-28-22; Ord. A- 3116. Passed 11-28-22; Ord. A-3164. Passed 1-8-24.)