Figure 8. An illustration of the potential development pattern in the IIM Zone.
   (a)   Intent. The Industry/Innovation/Manufacturing (IIM) Zone is intended to maintain and promote existing and provide for new medium-to-large-scale facilities that promote employment growth and establishment in the City. The IIM development patterns are primarily located along and oriented toward major arterial corridors and interstate interchanges. The desired development pattern in the IIM Zone follows an automobile-oriented development pattern of medium-to-large-scale manufacturing, warehouse and distribution buildings.
   (b)   Uses. The uses permitted or conditionally permitted, including accessory uses, in the IIM Zone are set forth on the Use Table in Section 1103.06.
   (c)   Development Standards. The standards applicable to the development of property within the IIM Zone are set forth in the following tables and illustrated in the following diagrams. Building placement, form, and component standards are as follows:
Building Placement
Building Placement
Lot Dimensions
Lot Size (min.)
1 Acre
Front Yard (min.)
20 ft
Side Yard (min., each side)
20 ft
Side Yard (min., aggregate)
40 ft.
Rear Yard (min.)
40 ft
Building Form & Components
Building Form & Components
Building Height (min.)
Building Height (max.)
Based on distance from centerline of adjacent street
Accessory Building
Building Location
Rear yard only; 5 ft min. from any lot line; 10 ft min. from rear wall of primary structure
ADU Height (max.)
Not Permitted
Height, non-ADU (max.)
18 ft.
Parking Location
Any two; Wall; Monument; Awning
(Ord. A-3075. Passed 1-24-22; Ord. A-3146. Passed 8-28-23.)