Figure 3. An illustration of the potential development pattern in the R-1 Zone.
   (a)   Intent. The Residential Single-Family (R-1) Zone is intended to maintain and promote existing and provide for new suburban-style, single-family neighborhood development patterns in numerous areas throughout the City. The desired development pattern in the R-1 Zone follows a suburban-style development pattern of single-family residential structures situated on front yards.
   (b)   Uses. The uses permitted or conditionally permitted, including accessory uses, in the R-1 Zone are set forth on the Use Table in Section 1103.06.
   (c)   Development Standards. The standards applicable to the development of property within the R-1 Zone are set forth in the following tables and illustrated in the following diagrams. Building placement, form, and component standards are as follows:
Building Placement
Building Placement
Lot Dimensions
Lot Size (min.)
6,000 SF
Lot Width (min.)
50 ft
Front Yard (min.)
25 ft
Side Yard (min., each side)
5 ft
Side Yard (min. aggregate)
10 ft
Rear Yard (min.)
30 ft
Use Area
Unit Area (min.)
1,200 SF
Building Form & Components
Building Form & Components
Building Height (max.)
35 ft
Accessory Building
Building Location
Rear yard only; 5 ft min. from any lot line; 10 ft min. from rear wall of primary structure
ADU Height (max.)
Not Permitted
Height, non-ADU (max.)
18 ft
Parking Location
No parking except on gravel, asphalt, concrete, pavers or similar surface in front or side yards
1 monument per subdivision entrance
(Ord. A-3075. Passed 1-24-22; Ord. A-3116. Passed 11-28-22.)