(a)   Any customer, whether an individual, corporation, partnership or otherwise, who is connected to the City sanitary sewer system and who contributes wastes exceeding the normal domestic waste standards set forth herein, shall pay an additional charge to cover the costs of handling those wastes.
   (b)   The limits for normal domestic wastes are established as follows:
      (1)   Chemical oxygen demand - 500 mg/1;
      (2)   Total suspended solids - 250 mg/1.
   (c)   For use in determining the COD and total suspended solids concentrations, an average will be used which will be established from a minimum of two tests per month taken on composite samples. All analyses shall conform to the most recent edition of the Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater, subsequently adopted.
(Ord. A-1068. Passed 1-6-75; Ord. A-2250. Passed 5-29-01.)
   (d)   The charges for handling those wastes exceeding the limits set forth above shall be based on the City’s previous two-year annual costs for sewer administration; sewer collection; industrial pretreatment; wastewater plant; and equipment replacement costs (less billing and debt service).
   The loadings, averaged over the last five years, will be used in the calculations that follow. Cost data used in compiling these formulas represent the actual history of expenses from the previous two years for the wastewater treatment plant.
      (1)   Allocation of costs:
         A.   Flow: 37.8%;
         B.   Total Suspended Solids (“TSS”): 30%;
         C.   Chemical Oxygen Demand (“COD”): 32.20%.
      (2)   Formulas to determine unit cost:
      A.   “TSS” Unit Costs = Previous 2 years average annual sewer costs x 30%
                   Previous 5 year “TSS” loading average @ WWTP
            2021 - 2022 Unit Costs = ($2,678,915 x 0.30) = $0.387 per lb. TSS
                           2,079,040 lbs. raw TSS
      B.   “COD” Unit Cost = Previous 2 years average annual sewer costs x 32.2%
                Previous 5 year average “COD” loading average @ WWTP
            2021 - 2022 Unit Costs = ($2,678,915 x 0.322) - $0.147 per lb. COD
                           5,875,405 lbs. raw COD
      (3)   Formulas to compute quarterly surcharges:
         A.   Total Suspended Solids (TSS):
            Quarterly Volume (cu.ft.) x 62.383 1bs. x (TSS ppm value-250 ppm)
            l,000,000 cu.ft.= Excess lbs. of SS
            “TSS” surcharge - (Excess lbs. of TSS) x (TSS unit costs)
         B.   Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD):
            Quarterly Volume (cu.ft.) x 62.383 lb x (COD ppm value -500 ppm)
            1,000,000 cu.ft. = Excess lbs. of COD
            “COD” Surcharge = (Excess lbs. of COD) x (COD unit costs).
      (4)   These charges shall be reviewed every two years and revised as necessary.
(Ord. A-1595. Passed 12-8-86; Ord. A-2133. Passed 7-13-98; Ord. A-2250. Passed 5-29-01; Ord. A-2404. Passed 11-8-04; Ord. A-2504. Passed 2-12-07; Ord. A-2589. Passed 11-10-08; Ord. A-2673. Passed 2-28-11; Ord. A-2743. Passed 12-10-12; Ord. A-2773. Passed 11-11-13; Ord. A-2788. Passed 6-23-14; Ord. A-2819. Passed 4-27-15; Ord. A-2896. Passed 4-24-17; Ord. A-2968. Passed 4-22-19; Ord. A-3043. Passed 4-26-21; Ord. A-3129. Passed 4-24-23.)