For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   (a)   “Canvassing”, “canvassers” and “canvass” means the house- to-house distribution of ideas, pamphlets, literature, or the collection of signatures or support for any purpose or cause. This definition includes actions which are conducted through in person, face-to-face contact, as well as such actions which involve the distributing of pamphlets, literature and other forms of written communication by merely leaving the same at a place of residence. This definition includes requesting contributions when such requests are made in conjunction with the house-to-house distribution of ideas, pamphlets, literature or the collection of signatures or support for any purpose or cause. This definition does not include solicitation, peddling or vending as those terms are hereinafter defined.
   (b)   “Charitable” means and includes the words “patriotic”, “philanthropic”, “social service”, “welfare”, “eleemosynary”, “benevolent”, “educational”, “civic”, “fraternal”, “veteran's medical”, “social research, either actual or purported” or any agency created for the purpose of supporting health research or health measures, either actual or purported.
   (c)   “Contribution” means the gift, sale for less than market value or purpose for more than market value of alms, food, clothing, money or property, including donations under the guise of a loan of money or property or the rental thereof for any charitable, religious or political use or purpose.
   (d)   “Peddler”, “peddle” and “peddling” means any person who carries with such person, for the purpose of sale at retail and immediate or future delivery, goods, wares, food or merchandise, or any person who, in person or as agent, solicits, sells or otherwise obtains orders or commitments for sale, repair or exchange of goods, wares, food, merchandise or services.
   (e)   “Person” includes natural beings as well as any firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, church, religious sect, religious denomination; society, organization or league, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, agent or other similar representative thereof.
   (f)   “Political” and “political organization” shall not mean or include the term “charitable”, but otherwise shall be given their commonly accepted definitions. It is not necessary that a person be a candidate for an office or in support of another person as a candidate to be included within the definition of “political” or “political organization”.
   (g)   “Religious” and “religion” shall not mean and include the term “charitable”. Such terms shall be given their commonly accepted definitions.
   (h)   “Solicit” and “solicitation” means the method by which a peddler or vendor conveys his or her wares, goods, merchandise or services.
   (i)   “Vend” or “vendor” means or applies to a person who transfers property or services by door-to-door sale.
(Ord. A-2317. Passed 10-14-02; Ord. A-2732. Passed 8-13-12.)