(A)   Credit card purchases.
      (1)   The Town Council authorizes the Clerk/Treasurer to obtain a credit card(s) in the name of the town for the customary purchase of materials, supplies and reservation and travel expenses for the town. The Clerk/Treasurer is authorized to pay any annual fees for such credit card(s). The Clerk/ Treasurer shall endeavor to pay the monthly statement balance in full so that finance charges are not incurred.
      (2)   The Clerk/Treasurer shall be responsible for and maintain control over the credit card(s) and all invoices, receipts and documentation supporting all charges and shall maintain a suitable accounting system to monitor the possession, use and return of all credit card(s). The Clerk/Treasurer shall verify each charge appearing on the monthly statement with the invoices, receipts and documentation prior to payment. The Clerk/Treasurer shall assign and pay the charges from the appropriate budget fund.
      (3)   The Clerk/Treasurer may provide the credit cards to certain town employees to purchase materials, supplies or for reservation and travel expenses deemed necessary to perform his or her task. Each town employee shall immediately return to the Clerk/Treasurer copies of all invoices, receipts, supporting charge documentation.
      (4)   No credit card issued in the name of the town shall be used by any person for a private purchase.
      (5)   Each payment of expenses must be supported by a fully itemized invoice or bill with certification of the Clerk/Treasurer. The Town Council shall review and allow the claim at the next regular or special meeting following the preapproved payment of the expense.
   (B)   Credit card usage.
      (1)   The Town Council approves the town to obtain a credit card to be used for municipal purchases in which the municipality’s credit is used for credit worthiness. This card will be secured in the office of the Clerk/Treasurer and all policies currently pertaining to the usage of municipal cards continue to be in effect.
      (2)   The number of cards on the account shall be capped at two and the account’s credit limit shall be capped at $5,000.
      (3)   Further, the Town Council President will be granted access to account information for the card and will sign off on any and all purchases on a monthly basis made on the credit card.
   (C)   Employee credit cards.
      (1)   The Town Clerk/Treasurer, as the financial officer of the town, is authorized to establish a credit card account in the name of the town with a financial institution under terms and conditions deemed acceptable by the Town Clerk/Treasurer.
      (2)   A second credit card utilizing the same line of credit will be issued to the second signer of the town bank accounts, the Town President.
      (3)   Issuance of an individual account credit card to a department employee shall not be permitted unless and until such employee executes a credit card use agreement on file in the Town Clerk/Treasurer’s office. Such agreement identifies that use of an account credit card shall be limited to business purposes authorized by the town. Such agreement further exposes the employee to personal liability for misuse of an account credit card issued to such employee and establishes town remedies in the event of misuse. Under such agreement, unauthorized use or misuse of an account credit card by an employee shall result in such employee being held personally liable for such charges, ancillary charges related thereto such as interest and penalties, and any costs of enforcement and collection, including but not limited to reasonable attorney fees. In the agreement, the town reserves the right to unilaterally revoke the employee’s use of the town’s line of credit at any time upon delivery to the employee of written notice of revocation signed by the Town Clerk/Treasurer. In the event an employee’s use of an account credit card is so revoked or in the event the employee’s employment with the town is terminated for any reason, such account credit card issued to such employee shall be immediately surrendered to the Town Clerk/Treasurer’s office. Upon delivery of revocation or termination of employment, such employee shall be prohibited from further use of the town’s line of credit.
      (4)   An employee who is issued an account credit card may use such card for permitted business travel expenses regarding meetings, conferences and conventions, regarding mileage, parking and tolls, regarding meals, regarding lodging and regarding airfare. In addition, use of an account credit card may be made by an employee for additional, limited on-line business purchases if pre-approved by the Town Clerk/Treasurer.
      (5)   A claim filed by an employee with the Town Council in connection with use of an account credit card must be itemized as provided in I.C. 5-11-10 and timely submitted for Town Council consideration, approval and payment by the town. If a claim is not itemized or properly documented by an employee and is rejected or denied by the Town Council, the employee shall be personally responsible for payment of the claim until such time as the claim is resubmitted with proper itemization or documentation. If any interest or penalty is incurred due to a claim being rejected or denied because the claim is inadequately itemized or due to late filing for timely consideration by the Town Council to avoid interest or late charges being assessed to the town under its agreement with a financial institution, the employee shall be personally liable for any such interest or penalty charged to the town arising from such employee’s use of the town’s line of credit.
      (6)   In addition to any remedies available to the town under the credit card use agreement in the event of unauthorized use or misuse of an account credit card by an employee, such employee may be subject to disciplinary action.
      (7)   The Town Clerk/Treasurer is authorized to seek an account line of credit of up to $5,000 with the financial institution selected by the Town Clerk/Treasurer. Each individual credit card issued to an employee as an authorized town card holder shall have an individual number assigned to such employee and shall have a maximum limit of $2,000 against said line of credit. Upon recommendation by the Town Clerk/Treasurer and consent of the financial institution, the maximum line of credit or the limit per card, as herein established, may be adjusted from time to time by a resolution of the Town Council.
(Ord. 2021-4, passed 7-12-2021)