Intent: The Mountain Overlay District (MOD) is intended to preserve the natural beauty and integrity of mountains surrounding the City of Wallace. Nearly every structure in the city is federally protected on the National Register of Historic Places and the City of Wallace is recognized as a historic site by Shoshone County. The intent of this chapter is to closely regulate structural and other development on hillsides visible from within and approaching the City of Wallace. This chapter is not intended to apply to lands or hillsides within Shoshone County that are outside of the City of Wallace viewshed.
Shoshone County is directed by its comprehensive plan and this chapter to protect the natural environment surrounding the City of Wallace and closely regulate development through adoption of a mountain overlay zone. The design review standards of this chapter and any conditions of approval shall be used to ensure any site alteration will be limited in bulk, design, and use of materials to minimize site disturbance and visibility from the City of Wallace. This chapter shall be read as a whole and construed to effectuate its purposes and the intent of this chapter.
A. The purposes of the MOD are:
1. To preserve scenic beauty and natural character of mountains surrounding the City of Wallace by regulating development thereon;
2. To maintain slope stability and soil structure;
3. To prevent visible scarring of hillsides and mountains by cuts and fills and/or by access roads to hillside and mountainous areas;
4. To ensure accessibility by emergency vehicles on hillside roads;
5. To prevent unsafe conditions for access, circulation, and road maintenance and unwarranted problems associated therewith in hillside and mountainous areas;
6. To maintain water quality and prevent deterioration due to sedimentation or inadequately performing septic systems;
7. To reduce development in areas with elevated wildfire risk;
8. To protect hillside and mountainous areas functioning as essential wildlife habitat; and
9. To carry out the provisions contained in the Shoshone County comprehensive plan.
(Ord. 170, 3-13-2024)