A.   Stream Protection Zones: During and after construction operations, streambeds and streamside vegetation shall be protected to leave them in the most natural condition possible to maintain water quality and aquatic habitat.
      1.   Protection Zone Dimensions:
         a.   Class 1 stream protection zone: The area encompassed by a slope distance of seventy five feet (75') on each side of the high water marks.
         b.   Class 2 stream protection zone: The area encompassed by a minimum slope distance of thirty feet (30') on each side of the high water marks of a class 2 stream.
         c.   Naturally occurring drainage swale protection zone: The area encompassed by a minimum slope distance of five feet (5') on each side of the top of a naturally occurring drainage swale. In no case shall this protection zone have a total width greater than thirty feet (30').
         d.   For roads legally created prior to the effective date hereof, the width of any protection zone may be reduced to be no greater than forty percent (40%) of the dimension of the lot perpendicular to the stream or water body.
      2.   Protection Zone Regulations:
         a.   No mechanical ground disturbance shall be permitted within the protection zone except at identified and permitted crossings by the appropriate agencies. The extent of such disturbance shall be clearly indicated in the approval plans.
         b.   Large organic debris (LOD), shading, wildlife cover, and water filtering effects of vegetation shall be maintained along streams as outlined in the Idaho forest practices act.
   B.   Flood Zones: Grading activity, which may result in damage to a flood control structure, shall not be permitted by this chapter. All work within floodways and other areas of special flood hazard, as identified on the FEMA flood insurance maps, shall be in conformance with the Shoshone County flood damage prevention ordinance, and approved by the Shoshone County floodplain administrator. (Ord. 129, 7-11-2006)