A. Purpose: The purpose of the Extractive Manufacturing District (M-3) is to provide land for the mining and or mining-related treatment processes, waste dumps, and storage of mineral resources and tailings ponds. This district is designed to ensure that these resources are properly managed and all land is reclaimed so as not to create a hazard or nuisance, which either immediately or in the future, adversely affects the health, safety or general welfare of the community. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)
B. Permitted Uses: Those uses allowed in the M-3 zone are as follows:
Asphalt plant.
Chemical storage and manufacturing.
Concentrating, smelting and/or related type treatment processes.
Concrete batch plant or clay products manufacturing.
Contractor's storage yard.
Dairy products, processing.
Gravel pits, rock quarries, sand pits, and clay pits.
Monument works, stone.
Rendering plant.
Sanitary landfill.
Tailings ponds or related impoundment areas.
Waste dumps. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977; amd. Ord. 112, 6-22-1998)
C. Conditional Uses: Agriculture and forest are the only conditional uses in this district.
D. Yard Requirements; Height Restrictions: There are no yard restrictions or maximum height limitations within the M-3 district.
E. Screening; Setbacks: Where practical and at new developments, appropriate screening or setbacks from roadways will be required to allow for as little visual disturbance as possible to the natural landscape. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)