A. Purpose: The purpose of the Heavy Manufacturing District (M-2) is to encourage development of major manufacturing, processing, warehousing and major research and testing operations. These activities require extensive community facilities and reasonable access to arterial thoroughfares.
B. Permitted Uses: Those uses permitted in the M-2 district are as follows:
Asphalt plant.
Auto sales, service, storage and rental.
Beverage bottling plant.
Chemical storage and manufacturing.
Concrete batch plant or clay products manufacturing.
Contractor's storage yard.
Dairy products, processing.
Food processing plant.
Fuel yard.
Grain storage.
Ice manufacture, cold storage plant.
Lumberyard retail.
Machine shop.
Meat packing plant.
Monument works, stone.
Parking lot, garage facility.
Petroleum storage.
Planing mill.
Public utility yard.
Railroad yard or shops.
Shop for building contractor.
Sign shop.
Terminal trucking yard.
Tire shop.
Trailer, mobile home, farm equipment sales yard.
Truck and tractor repair.
Warehousing and wholesaling.
Wood processing plant.
Wrecking yard.
C. Conditional Uses: The following are conditional uses permitted in the M-2 zone:
Feedlot and stockyard.
Railroad and sanitary landfill.
Rendering plant. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977; amd. Ord. 33, 5-4-1983)