A.   Purpose: The General Commercial District (GC) is intended to create, preserve or enhance areas with a wide range of retail uses and service establishments serving both long- and short-term needs in compact locations typically appropriate to commercial clusters developed in urban density areas. This district also includes some development which does not strictly fit the description of this chapter, but also does not merit a zoning district.
   B.   Permitted Uses: The following uses are permitted in a GC district:
Automotive sales and service.
Bank or other financial institution.
Beauty shop, barber shop or other personal service business.
Boat or house trailer sales and services.
Bowling alley or other commercial amusement establishment.
Building materials supply outlet.
Business or professional office.
Day nursery.
Frozen food locker service.
Laundry and dry-cleaning establishment.
Laundry, self-service.
Medical and dental clinic.
Motel or hotel.
Printing plant.
Retail store.
   C.   Conditional Uses: The following uses are conditional uses in the GC zone:
Baker, wholesale.
Bar or tavern.
Car wash.
Drive-in theater.
Farm equipment or heavy equipment sales and service.
Public use.
Semi-public use.
Service station.
Veterinary clinic or kennel. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)