A. Purpose: The purpose of a Service Business District (C-2) is to permit the establishment of areas for highway and service business uses only. This district is specifically designed in clusters to service the motoring public. This district is generally associated with interchange areas along with major limited-access highways.
B. Permitted Uses: The following uses are permitted in a C-2 zone:
Gift shop.
Motel or hotel.
Self-service laundry.
Service station.
Travel trailer or campground park.
C. Conditional Uses: The following are conditional uses permitted within the C-2 zone:
Bar or tavern.
Car or trailer sales and service.
Car wash.
Livery stable.
Public use.
Semi-public use.
D. Yard Requirements: In the C-2 zone, a side or rear yard abutting a residential zone shall be screened and have a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from the rear of the structure to the back lot line. (Ord. 15, 7-11-1977)