Subd. 1.   Purpose. The R-3A District is intended to provide a greater variety in the type of housing units available within the community, while retaining the environment and character of less intensive residential areas through carefully established bulk and lot area requirements.
Subd. 2.   Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in the R-3A District:
      a.   Two-family dwellings;
      b.   Townhouses and quadraminiums, as defined by § 1201.02, subject to the regulations and requirements of § 1201.06;
      c.   Multiple-family dwellings containing four or less dwelling units.
Subd. 3.   Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an R-3A District:
      a.   Private garages, parking spaces and carports for licensed and operable passenger cars and trucks not to exceed a gross weight of 12,000 pounds, as regulated by § 1201.03, Subd. 5 (off-street parking) of this chapter. Private garages are intended for use to store the private passenger vehicles of the family or families resident upon the premises, and in which no business, service or industry is carried on. The space can be rented to nonresidents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or noncommercial vehicles, trailers or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this chapter is provided elsewhere on the property. The garage shall not be used for the storage of more than one commercial vehicle owned or operated by a resident per dwelling unit;
      b.   Swimming pools, tennis courts and other recreational facilities which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their guests;
      c.   Tool houses, sheds and similar buildings for storage of domestic supplies and noncommercial recreational equipment;
      d.   Signs, as regulated by § 1201.03, subdivision 11 of this chapter;
      e.   Individual boat dock and customary beach accessories subject to § 1201.03, Subd. 14 of this chapter.
Subd. 4.   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses allowed in an R-3A District: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 1201.04 of this chapter.)
      a.   All conditional uses, subject to the same conditions, as allowed in the R-2C District;
      b.   Residential facilities as defined in § 1201.02 of this chapter, licensed by the state and serving no more than 16 persons;
      c.   Nursing homes as defined in § 1201.02 of this chapter, provided that:
         (1)   Side yards are double the minimum requirements established for this District and are screened in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 2g of this code;
         (2)   The side shall be served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic which will be generated;
         (3)   All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 11 of this code;
         (4)   All state laws and statutes governing the use are strictly adhered to and all required permits are secured;
         (5)   Adequate off-street parking is provided in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 5 of this code;
         (6)   One off-street loading space in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 6 of this code is provided;
         (7)   The provisions of § 1201.04, Subd. 4d(1) of this code have been considered and satisfactorily met.
Subd. 5.   Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an R-3A District, subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter:
      a.   Lot area:
         (1)   Two-family: Not less than 20,000 square feet;
         (2)   All other: Not less than 30,000 square feet;
      b.   Lot width:
         (1)   Two-family dwelling: Not less than 90 feet;
         (2)   All other: Not less than 100 feet;
      c.   Lot depth: Not less than 120 feet;
      d.   Setbacks:
         (1)   Front yard: Not less than 30 feet;
         (2)   Rear yard: Not less than 30 feet;
         (3)   Side yard: Not less than 15 feet on each side nor less than 30 feet on a side yard abutting a street.
Subd. 6.   Building requirements. Height: no structure shall exceed two and one-half stories, or 35 feet, whichever is least.
Subd. 7.   Lot area per unit requirement. The following minimum lot area per unit requirements shall be calculated on the basis of the total net area in the project and as controlled by an individual or joint ownership:
      a.   Two-family dwellings: Not less than 10,000 square feet;
      b.   All other dwellings: Not less than 7,000 square feet.
(1987 Code, § 1201.17) (Ord. 180, passed 5-19-1986; Am. Ord. 242, passed 8-26-1991; Ord. 243, passed 9-9-1991)
Subd. 1.   Purpose. The R-3B District is intended to provide a greater variety in the type of housing units available within the community by allowing construction of two-family, towhnouse, quadraminium and apartment dwellings at a density ranging up to ten units per acre.
Subd. 2.   Permitted uses.
      a.   Two-family dwellings.
      b.   Townhouses and quadraminiums, as defined by § 1201.02, subject to the regulations and requirements of § 1201.06.
      c.   Multiple-family dwellings.
Subd. 3.   Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an R-3B District: all accessory uses allowed in an R-3A District.
Subd. 4.   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses allowed in an R-3B District: all conditional uses, subject to the same conditions, as allowed in the R-3A District. (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 1201.04.)
Subd. 5.   Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an R-3B District, subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter:
      a.   Lot area:
         (1)   Two-family dwelling: Not less than 15,000 square feet;
         (2)   All other: Not less than 20,000 square feet;
      b.   Lot width:
         (1)   Two-family dwelling: Not less than 75 feet;
         (2)   All other: Not less than 100 feet;
      c.   Lot depth: Not less than 100 feet;
      d.   Setbacks:
         (1)   Front yard: Not less than 30 feet;
         (2)   Rear yard: Not less than 30 feet;
         (3)   Side yard: Not less than 15 feet on each side nor less than 30 feet on a side yard abutting a street.
Subd. 6.   Building requirements. Height: no structure shall exceed three stories, or 40 feet, whichever is least.
Subd. 7.   Lot area per unit requirement. The following minimum lot area per unit requirements shall be calculated on the basis of the total net area in the project and as controlled by an individual or joint ownership:
      a.   Two-family dwellings: Not less than 7,500 square feet;
      b.   All other dwellings: Not less than 3,500 square feet.
(1987 Code, § 1201.18)
Subd. 1.   Purpose. The R-C District is intended for a gradual transition between commercial and residential uses. More specifically, the R-C District is established to buffer residential uses from adjacent high intensity use areas by permitting residentially compatible service- oriented commercial uses and controlling those uses which can be compatible with residential areas given adequate control.
Subd. 2.   Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in an R-C District: all uses permitted in Residential Districts R-IA through R-2B, except single-family residential dwellings.
Subd. 3.   Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an R-C District:
      a.   All accessory uses allowed in the R-2B District;
      b.   Parking and loading facilities subject to the provisions of § 1201.03, Subds. 5 and 6;
      c.   Signs, as regulated in § 1201.03, Subd. 11.
Subd. 4.   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses allowed in an R-C District: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 1201.04.)
      a.   All conditional permitted uses, subject to the same conditions as allowed in the R-2B District;
      b.   Conservatories, art or music studios, nurseries and nurseries with garden supply centers, provided that:
         (1)   Adequate off-street parking shall be provided in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 5g;
         (2)   Vehicular access shall create a minimum of traffic conflicts;
         (3)   The use shall not have a predominant retail character;
         (4)   The site and related parking and service entrances shall be served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate the traffic which will be generated;
         (5)   When abutting an R-1A through R-2C Residential District, a buffer area with screening and landscaping as provided in § 1201.03, Subd. 2g.
      c.   Professional and business offices, medical and dental offices, provided that:
         (1)   Adequate off-street parking shall be provided in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 5;
         (2)   Vehicular access shall create a minimum of traffic conflict;
         (3)   The site and related parking and service entrances shall be served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate the traffic which will be generated;
         (4)   When abutting an R-1A through R-2C Residential District, a buffer area with screening and landscaping as provided in § 1201.03, Subd. 2.g.
      d.   Residential or commercial planned unit development as regulated by § 1201.06, provided that:
         (1)   Land uses allowed in a planned unit development are limited to those land uses listed as permitted uses, permitted accessory uses and conditional uses in this section;
         (2)   The proposed development complies with the development agreement as required for planned unit developments, pursuant to § 1201.25.
      e.   Nursing homes as defined in § 1201.02, provided that:
         (1)   Side yards are double the minimum requirements established for this District and are screened in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 2.g.;
         (2)   The site shall be served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate traffic which will be generated;
         (3)   All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 11;
         (4)   All state laws and statutes governing the use are strictly adhered to and all required permits are secured;
         (5)   Adequate off-street parking is provided in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 5;
         (6)   One off-street loading space in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 6 is provided;
         (7)   The provisions of § 1201.04, Subd. 4.d.(1) have been considered and satisfactorily met.
      f.   Custom woodworking shop, provided that:
         (1)   The total number of employees working on the premises shall not exceed three.
         (2)   The use shall not have a predominant retail character. Any retail sales conducted on the premises shall be limited to products produced on the premises.
         (3)   Products produced on the premises shall be limited to custom, one-of-a- kind woodwork items.
         (4)   Noise, dust and odor shall comply with the standards of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and shall not constitute a nuisance to adjacent residential uses.
         (5)   Adequate off-street parking shall be provided in compliance with § 1201.03, Subd. 5. of this code.
         (6)   All work shall be performed entirely within the building. There shall be no outdoor display or storage on the property.
      g.   Daycare facilities, as defined in § 1201.02 Subd. 4. of this code, serving ten or more persons, as a principal or accessory use, provided that:
         (1)   The facility shall be licensed by the State of Minnesota. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued for a daycare facility until proof of approved applicable state licenses has been provided to the Zoning Administrator.
         (2)   All child daycare facilities shall have an outdoor activity area complying with the following:
            (a)   The activity area shall be at least 1,500 square feet in area, and at least 75 square feet of area per child within the area at any given time during use.
            (b)   The activity area shall be located within the buildable area of the lot.
            (c)   The activity area shall be screened and landscaped to buffer neighboring residential uses.
            (d)   The activity area shall be enclosed to prevent children from leaving the premises unattended.
         (3)   Off-street parking must be provided in compliance with § 1201.03 Subd. 5. of this code. The number of parking spaces required for a daycare facility shall be one space for each four persons of licensed capacity.
         (4)   Adequate short-term parking or drop-off area shall be provided within close proximity to the main entrance of the building. The short-term parking or drop-off area shall accommodate three car spaces and shall be designated as temporary in nature. The short-term parking or drop-off area shall not conflict with off-street parking access or pedestrian movement.
         (5)   When a daycare facility is an accessory use within a structure containing another principal use, each use shall be calculated separately for determining the total off-street parking spaces required.
         (6)   Daycare facilities are limited to 4,500 square feet in gross floor area.
         (7)   The structure in which the daycare facility is located shall comply with all applicable building and fire codes.
         (8)   The provisions of § 1201.04 Subd. 1.d.(1) of this code must be considered and satisfactorily met.
      h.   Self-storage facility, as defined in this chapter, provided that:
         (1)   Adequate screening and landscaping from neighboring residential districts is provided in accordance with § 1201.03, Subd. 2.g.;
         (2)   The entire facility is located within a complete enclosure. The enclosure shall conform to applicable city codes and ordinances;
         (3)   The access to the facility shall be by a security gate;
         (4)   The hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, Friday and Saturday;
         (5)   The lighting shall be consistent with § 1201.03 Subd. 2.v. of this chapter;
         (6)   The structures shall conform to height restrictions of the C-1 District. In addition, all structures within 50 feet of any property line shall be limited to one story or 15 feet, whichever is less;
         (7)   The storage is confined to enclosed permanent structures;
         (8)   The use of all structures shall be limited to storage only. No retail service businesses or workshops shall be allowed. Each facility shall have one residential dwelling unit to be used only by a resident caretaker or manager. The requirement of a caretaker residence may be waived by the City Council, provided that:
            (a)   A caretaker residence for an approved self-storage facility under the same ownership is located within 600 feet of the subject property;
            (b)   The applicant shall submit a plan showing where a caretaker residence can be located on the property in the future;
            (c)   The applicant shall submit restrictive covenants, to be recorded against the property, restricting its sale unless a caretaker residence is constructed on the property, or a caretaker residence for an approved self-storage facility under the same ownership, located within 600 feet of the subject property is provided;
         (9)   The entire area, other than occupied by the buildings or plantings, shall be surfaced with material which will control dust and drainage and is subject to the approval of the City Engineer;
         (10)   The number of off-street parking spaces shall not be less than six. No on-street parking shall be allowed;
         (11)   Loading areas shall be located entirely within the site which will be designed so as not to require backing in from a public street;
         (12)   The provisions of § 1201.04, Subd. 1.d.(1) are considered and satisfactorily met.
Subd. 5.   Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an R-C District subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter:
      a.   Lot area:
         (1)   Two-family dwelling: not less than 20,000 square feet;
         (2)   All other: not less than 15,000 square feet;
      b.   Lot width: not less than 100 feet;
      c.   Lot depth: not less than 120 feet;
      d.   Setbacks:
         (1)   Front yard: not less than 35 feet;
         (2)   Rear yard: not less than 40 feet;
         (3)   Side yard: not less than 15 feet on each side nor less than 35 feet on a side yard abutting a street;
         (4)   Nonresidential use setback from R District boundary: not less than 25 feet;
         (5)   Lakeshore: not less than 100 feet.
Subd. 6.   Building requirements. Height: no structure shall exceed two and one-half stories, or 35 feet, whichever is least.
Subd. 7.   Lot area per unit requirement. Not less than 10,000 square feet.
Subd. 8.   Special district provisions.
      a.   Where a conditional use abuts an R-1A through R-2C District, buffer fences or planting screens shall be installed by the conditional use permit recipient according to provisions of § 1201.03, Subd. 2.g. of this code, should the Council determine that a need for a buffer exists.
      b.   Special use commercial activities shall be allowed to operate only between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. in the R-C District. Occasional emergency dental service may occur outside of normal business hours provided such service does not adversely affect surrounding residential uses.
      c.   All noise levels generated by activities in the R-C District must conform to state standards.
      d.   Signs shall comply with the requirements under § 1201.03, Subd. 11, as well as the following additional provisions:
         (1)   Business signs shall be limited to a total surface area determined by taking 5% of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building, but not more than 100 square feet per property. Where the principal building is on a corner lot and thus faces two public streets, both sides may be counted. Not more than two individual signs, including freestanding signs, may be displayed per property;
         (2)   Illuminated signs shall not be permitted in the R-C District, except that:
            (a)   Signs located at least 100 feet from a residential district boundary may be illuminated.
            (b)   Signs located nearer than 100 feet to a residential district boundary may be illuminated, provided the sign is screened from view of residential properties.
            (c)   In no case shall signs in the R-C District be illuminated between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
            (d)   All illuminated signs must comply with the provisions of § 1201.03 Subd. 2.i. of this code.
         (3)   Freestanding signs not exceeding 40 square feet and not higher than eight feet shall be permitted in the R-C District.
      e.   Storage - displays: with the exception of nursery stock, all materials, supplies, merchandise or other similar matter not on display for direct sale, rental or lease to the ultimate consumer or user shall be stored within a completely enclosed building within the R-C District or within the confines of 100% opaque wall or fence not less than five feet high.
      f.   The City Council or its designated representative shall evaluate the design elements of the conditional uses under the provisions of § 1201.04.
(1987 Code, § 1201.19) (Ord. 180, passed 5-19-1986; Ord. 208, passed 4-11-1988; Ord. 243, passed 9-9-1991; Ord. 397, passed 8-25-2003; Ord. 403, passed 5-24-2004; Ord. 422, passed 7-24-2006; Am. Ord. 520, passed 7-27-2015; Am. Ord. 569, passed 8-26-2019; Am. Ord. 575, passed 12-14-2020)