Subd. 1.   Purpose. The R-3B District is intended to provide a greater variety in the type of housing units available within the community by allowing construction of two-family, towhnouse, quadraminium and apartment dwellings at a density ranging up to ten units per acre.
Subd. 2.   Permitted uses.
      a.   Two-family dwellings.
      b.   Townhouses and quadraminiums, as defined by § 1201.02, subject to the regulations and requirements of § 1201.06.
      c.   Multiple-family dwellings.
Subd. 3.   Permitted accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in an R-3B District: all accessory uses allowed in an R-3A District.
Subd. 4.   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses allowed in an R-3B District: all conditional uses, subject to the same conditions, as allowed in the R-3A District. (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by § 1201.04.)
Subd. 5.   Lot requirements and setbacks. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in an R-3B District, subject to additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter:
      a.   Lot area:
         (1)   Two-family dwelling: Not less than 15,000 square feet;
         (2)   All other: Not less than 20,000 square feet;
      b.   Lot width:
         (1)   Two-family dwelling: Not less than 75 feet;
         (2)   All other: Not less than 100 feet;
      c.   Lot depth: Not less than 100 feet;
      d.   Setbacks:
         (1)   Front yard: Not less than 30 feet;
         (2)   Rear yard: Not less than 30 feet;
         (3)   Side yard: Not less than 15 feet on each side nor less than 30 feet on a side yard abutting a street.
Subd. 6.   Building requirements. Height: no structure shall exceed three stories, or 40 feet, whichever is least.
Subd. 7.   Lot area per unit requirement. The following minimum lot area per unit requirements shall be calculated on the basis of the total net area in the project and as controlled by an individual or joint ownership:
      a.   Two-family dwellings: Not less than 7,500 square feet;
      b.   All other dwellings: Not less than 3,500 square feet.
(1987 Code, § 1201.18)