Subd. 1. The City of Shorewood is a residential community located on the south shore of Lake Minnetonka and it includes within its boundaries the largest portion of Christmas Lake, Silver Lake, Lake Mary, a portion of Lake Virginia and Galpin Lake, together with numerous inlets, harbors, bays, wetlands, woods and valleys. The name of this city denotes its character--a city of shoreland, water and woods--natural assets its citizens hold in trust for future generations. It is in the public interest to protect these assets against haphazard, uncoordinated and unplanned development which may affect in some way lowlands, marshes, wetlands, swamps, lakes and watercourses within the city.
Subd. 2. Recognizing the obligation to protect these assets and natural resource gifts from destruction and pollution of all kinds, and in order to carry out a program of coordinated land and water management, the following standards, prohibitions, regulations and requirements are hereinafter set forth. In addition to the general purposes, the specific intent of this chapter is to:
a. Reduce danger to health by protecting surface and ground water supplies from the impairment which results from incompatible land uses by providing safe and sanitary drainage;
b. Permit and encourage planned development land uses which will not impede the flow of flood water or cause danger to life or property;
c. Permit and encourage land uses compatible with the preservation of the natural vegetation and marshes which are a principal factor in the maintenance of constant rates of water flow through the year and which sustain many species of wildlife and plant growth;
d. Avoid fast runoff of surface waters from developed areas to prevent pollution materials such as animal feces, motor oils, paper, sand, salt and other debris, garbage and foreign materials from being carried directly into the nearest natural stream, lake or other public waters;
e. Prevent the development of structures in areas which will adversely affect the public passage and use of creeks, marshes, lowlands and watercourses within the city.
(1987 Code, § 1102.01)