Subd. 1.   Existing service stubs. Service stubs have been installed to serve some homes and businesses presently located in the city. For those homes and businesses, the connections are ready for use by the existing structures in the city.
      a.   Permit to connect, fee. A permit must be obtained to connect to the water system. The fee for each permit shall be as set by Council ordinance. The fee shall include inspection and turn-on services performed by the city.
      b.   Conditions of permit. The permit fee shall be paid at the time of making application for water service. In addition thereto, before any permit shall be issued, the following conditions shall be complied with:
         (1)   No permit shall be issued to tap or connect with any water main or water system of the city either directly or indirectly from any lot or tract of land unless it shall be determined that:
            (a)   The lot or tract of land to be served by the connection or tap has been assessed for the cost of construction of the water main and water plan system with which the connection is made; or
            (b)   The proceedings for levying the assessments have been or will be commenced in due course; or
            (c)   A connection charge has been paid.
         (2)   A water meter, meter horn, and remote reader shall be purchased from the city at the time permit is applied for.
         (3)   If the lot is served by the Southeast Area or Boulder Bridge water systems and is below an elevation of 975 feet, a pressure reducing valve (PRV) shall be purchased from the city at the time the permit is applied for if a new connection or upon notice by the city if an existing connection.
         (4)   Inspections: All property service lines shall be inspected by the City Water Inspector before the lines are covered to insure proper construction of the line and connection to the service stub. The owner or contractor shall give at least 24 hours advance notice to the City Water Inspector when the service pipe is ready for inspection.
         (5)   Turn on and shut offs: Only an authorized city employee shall turn on or shut off any water supply at the curb stop.
Subd. 2.   New service stubs; application for water service connection. In the event additional connections or stubs to existing water trunk or lateral facilities are required or desired, applications shall be made at the City Hall on forms furnished by the city.
      a.   Applications. All applications for service stubs shall be made by the owner of the property to be served, or his duly authorized agent, and shall state the size and location of the service connection required, and the applicant shall, at the time of making application, pay to the city the amount of fees required for the installation of the service connection as hereinafter provided. The application shall also contain the name of the owner, a description of the property, lot, block and addition, name of road upon which the property fronts and the signature of the applicant, or his agent, agreeing to conform to the rules and regulations that may be established by the city as conditions for the use of water.
      b.   Performance guarantee. For the purpose of assuring and guaranteeing to the city that the installation of the service connection shall fully comply with all of the other terms and provisions of this chapter, the applicant agrees to furnish to the city a construction performance guarantee in the amount determined by the City Engineer, but not less than $4,000, and naming the city as obligee thereunder.
      c.   Inspections. All property service stubs shall be inspected by the City Water Inspector before the stubs are covered to insure proper construction of the stubs and connection to the water main.
      d.   Additional requirements. All requirements set forth in subdivision 1 of this section shall be applicable to this subdivision.
Subd. 3.   Connection charge. A connection charge shall be paid by the owners of the lot or tract of land to be served by the municipal water system. The amount of the connection charge shall be as set forth in Chapter 1301 of this code and as follows:
      a.   Connection charges for various land uses shall be made in accordance with the following formula:
Land Use
Single-family residential
Multiple-family residential*
C x S + 0.25C x U
Schools, churches, government and other non-residential
C   =   Connection charge as set forth in Chapter 1301 of this code
U   =   Number of dwelling units
S      =   Number of structures
REU   =   Number of residential equivalent units (there shall be one REU per 20,000 square feet of land area)
   *Multiple-family structures include those buildings designed with two or more dwelling units. For the
purposes of this chapter, the formula shall be based on no more than 12 dwelling units per structure.
      b.   For properties previously assessed for municipal water service the connection charge shall be the amount specified in Chapter 1301 of this code, less the amount previously assessed.
      c.   In addition to the above, developers of new projects or subdivisions will be required to install trunk and lateral mains, services and appurtenant items at the time of development or platting. Pipe sizes shall be as set forth in the city’s municipal water plan, as may be amended.
      d.   For properties not presently served by municipal water service, developers or property owners who wish to extend water service to their property line, shall pay for the cost of the improvement or the water connection charge, whichever is greater.
      e.   A property owner may petition and the Council, at its discretion, allow the connection charge to be assessed against the property, provided that the assessment will not adversely affect the City’s Water Fund.
(Ord. 395, passed 7-28-2003; Ord. 569, passed 8-26-2019)