No person in a city park or recreation area shall:
Subd. 1.   Closing hours. Enter or remain in any park between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. unless the person is participating in an organized activity authorized by the city;
Subd. 2.   Overnight use. Set up any tent, shack or other temporary shelter in any park, nor shall any person leave any property, including, but not limited to, vehicles, campers and trailers in any park between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. without the written permission of the City Administrator/Clerk;
Subd. 3.   Tampering with city property. Deface, destroy, tamper with, injure or remove any city property, including, but not limited to furniture, structures, vegetation, signs or soils;
Subd. 4.   Littering. Scatter or litter the grounds or any lake, pond or watercourse within or draining into a park with any form of trash, but shall place the material in the proper receptacles where these are provided. Where receptacles are not provided, all the trash shall be carried away from the area by the person responsible for its presence;
Subd. 5.   Fires. Start a fire, except a small fire for cooking purposes in a designated area and then only in a fire ring, grill or portable stove or fail to fully extinguish a fire;
Subd. 6.   Sales. Sell or conduct any commercial enterprise unless authorized by written permit from the City Council, except as indicated in subd. 7.
Subd. 7.   Food trucks. Food trucks may be allowed for approved special events as authorized by written permit from the City Council.
Subd. 8.   Handbills and advertisements. Paste, affix or inscribe any handbill, poster or sign or distribute handbills, circulars or announcements of any kind for a commercial purpose, unless authorized by written permit from the City Council;
Subd. 9.   Gamble;
Subd. 10.   Liquor. Use or bring alcoholic beverages, including beer, except that the City Council may authorize sale, service and/or consumption of alcohol in Badger Park for approved special events as authorized by written permit from the City Council, subject to the following:
      a.   The sellers must be duly licensed by the State of Minnesota, Hennepin County and/or the City of Shorewood, as may be applicable.
      b.   The area where alcohol is permitted during the event must be clearly identified on a site plan submitted with the application and with physical barriers installed in the park.
      c.   The organizers shall be responsible for checking the ages of any purchasers and banding those 21 years of age or older.
      d.   No person who is under 21 years of age may purchase, consume, or hold alcoholic beverages.
      e.   A minimum of one sworn South Lake Minnetonka officer shall be present at the event during all hours alcohol is sold on the site. Additional officers may be required based on the size of the event or other operational issue.
Subd. 11.   Music. Provide amplified music in any park except as approved for city-sponsored events or private events as authorized by written permit from the City Council. Speakers and amplifiers shall be projected away from any homes located within 500 feet of the stage or performance area. The city withholds the right to require the sound level to be lowered or turned off.
Subd. 12.   Drugs. Use or bring illegal drugs;
Subd. 13.   Glass containers. Bring any glass containers;
Subd. 14.   Use of restrooms. If over five years of age, use any restroom or washroom designated for use by the opposite sex;
Subd. 15.   Weapons and fireworks. Without a state permit, bring any firearms, air rifle, BB gun, sling shot, explosives, fireworks or devices capable of discharging blank ammunition into any park;
Subd. 16.   Use of toys and equipment. Ride, propel or use any equipment or toy in any public park in a manner as to interfere with or endanger any pedestrian;
Subd. 17.   Improper conduct. Appear nude, commit any nuisance or use threatening, abusive, insulting, obscene or indecent language or act in an indecent, lascivious or improper manner or do any act which constitutes a breach of the public peace;
Subd. 18.   Harassment. Harass any visitor or behave in a reckless manner which would endanger any visitor’s property;
Subd. 19.   Disobey city officials. Disobey any reasonable order or direction of any city employee, law enforcement officer or other person designated by the City Council or Park Commission to give the orders or directions.
(1987 Code, § 902.02) (Ord. 140, passed 2-14-1983; Ord. 266, passed 1-25-1993; Ord. 566, passed 6-24-2019)