Subd. 1.   Notice to remove. When there exists on private property a condition which is in violation of this chapter, a notice to remove the offensive matter shall be served by the City Council or its agent upon the owner, agent or occupant. The notice may be served personally or may be served by mail. In all cases where the owner is not in the city or can not be found therein, then notice shall be sent to the last known address. The notice shall describe the matter to be removed and require the removal thereof within 10 days, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
Subd. 2.   Failure to remove. If, at the end of the 10 days following service of a Notice to Remove, the nuisance has not been terminated or abated, the city shall cause removal and disposition. The person in violation may, within the 10 days following service, file a written appeal disputing the violation or requesting additional time to comply with the Notice to Remove. Appeals will be placed on the next available agenda of the City Council for its consideration.
Subd. 3.   Immediate abatement. Nothing in this section shall prevent the city, without notice or other process, from immediately abating any condition that poses an imminent and serious hazard to human life or safety.
Subd. 4.   Recovery of costs. In instances where any nuisances are abated by city action pursuant to this chapter, M.S. §§ 412.221 et seq., or M.S. Chapter 466, the cost of enforcement, abatement, or other proceedings, including administrative charges together with interest thereon at the lawful rate permitted under M.S. Chapter 429, shall, if not paid, be assessed against the premises and certified to the County Auditor or certified by lien as provided in M.S. § 514.67.