(A)   Every property owner within a subdivision approved by the zoning commission of the city shall maintain surface drainage on his property so as not to deflect or alter the drainage on his property onto the property of another, and shall maintain all surface drainage features on his property in the manner and design approved by the city zoning commission upon the creation of the subdivision.
   (B)   During the construction of buildings in the city and prior to the establishment of permanent access to the property upon which the building is being constructed from streets, temporary crossings of street side drains shall be provided and maintained by the property owner or builder in a manner that avoids obstructive effect to the designed flow pattern for the property.
   (C)   Final grading of property after construction of any building thereon shall include the reconstruction of all disturbed portions of all ditches on or adjacent to the property so as to recreate the designed grades and dimensions shown on any legally approved plans for the property.
   (D)   Any excavating materials from property within the city shall be distributed or disposed of in such a manner as to avoid the alternation of the flow of drainage water.
   (E)   No property owner or builder shall make surface grade changes without first obtaining a permit from the zoning officer of the city when the surface grade changes require hauled-in materials. The application for the permit will contain information sufficient to show all effects, if any, of the proposed surface grade change on adjacent properties. The owner of property as used herein shall include his agents and any builder, contractor or sub-contractor working on the property.
   (F)   The owner or builder shall limit and remove any and all mud, dirt, debris or other material promptly from any right of way within the city where dirt, debris, mud, etc., has been caused to be deposited by the parties.
(Ord. 1114-58, passed 6-23-58) Penalty, see § 130.99