For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED BUILDING. A building or structure on a parcel of real property in the Town of Shirley which is:
      (1)   Vacant for more than 90 days;
      (2)   Which is also submit to and order issued pursuant to the Town of Shirley's Unsafe Building Ordinance, Minimum Housing Standards Ordinance and Minimum Standards for Non- Residential Properties; and
      (3)   Upon which the condition has generated the order has existed for at least 30 days and has not been remedied.
   OWNER. Any person having a legal or equitable title in the real estate or premises.
   OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. A person hired by the owner to represent and/or advocate on the owner's behalf.
   PERSON. Any entity including any of the following: individual, firm, corporation, association, partnership, or limited liability corporation/company. References in the masculine gender include the feminine and the neuter, in the present tense includes the future, and the singular includes the plural.
   PROPERTY MANAGER. An individual or company responsible for the day-to-day functioning of a piece of real estate.
   VACANT BUILDING. A building or structure on a parcel of real property which lacks the habitual presence of human being or beings who have a legal right to be on the premises, or at which substantially all lawful business operations or residential occupancy has ceased for a period of at least 30 days. The term VACANT BUILDING shall not include a seasonally occupied residence or a residence owned by an individual actively serving in the military.
(Ord. 09092019B, passed 10-7-19)