(A)   Any minor or non-substantive change in the approved plan may be made only after approval of the change by the village staff. Any proposed change shall be clearly portrayed on all copies of the final approved plan and shall be submitted to the village staff for review and determination or, at his or her discretion, shall be referred directly to the Planning Commission for approval or rejection.
   (B)   Any change or addition of land use (other than accessory uses), common open space area and parking facilities shall require approval of the Planning Commission and Village Board.
   (C)   All changes to the plan must be compatible with the original plan for land use, traffic circulation and open space and with the height and area regulations and parking ratios reflected in the plan originally approved by the Village Board. Substantive changes in the development plan shall require consideration in the same manner as the original application.
   (D)   (1)   A planned development may be submitted for approval in phases, however, each phase of the development shall be equal in area to the minimum area requirement for the proposed planned development. The submission of the initial phase shall include a master plan for future phases and the overall development in such detail as the village staff and/or Planning Commission may deem necessary to properly evaluate the proposed planned development on a phased basis, but the master plan will not generally require the detail required for the preliminary development plan application.
      (2)   The application for each phase of the planned development shall comply fully with the requirements of this Code. Approval by the village of an initial phase or a subsequent phase will not constitute approval of the entire planned development where only a master plan for future phases has been presented and each phase will be evaluated separately. After a master plan has been submitted as part of the approval of an initial or subsequent phase, any modification of the master plan may only be made with the approval of the Village Board of Trustees. The master plan shall, minimally, provide the following information:
         (a)   A legal description of the property proposed for master plan approval;
         (b)   A concept development plan prepared at a scale of not more than 200 feet to one inch depicting the following:
            1.   The gross land area and project net area of the planned development, the present zoning classification of the area, and the zoning classification of the properties surrounding the planned development;
            2.   All existing structures and land uses currently on the property proposed for the development and the location of any uses and structures on properties which adjoin the proposed planned development;
            3.   The location and use or uses proposed for each existing or proposed structure within the planned development, the number of stories and gross floor area;
            4.   Existing and proposed contours at intervals of two feet. Locations and direction of flow of major water courses, natural drainageways and ponding areas shall be delineated;
            5.   All existing and proposed curb cuts, driving lanes, parking areas, loading areas and storage areas;
            6.   Common area walks and common open areas for use by residents, tenants and the general public;
            7.   A concept landscape, screening and buffering plan for the Planned Development;
            8.   Concept plans for the control and disposal of natural and storm water drainage, including detention facilities. To include riparian corridors, wetlands and areas subject to flooding in the 100-year storm event;
            9.   Location of present utility services to the proposed planned development, including electric, water, sanitary sewer and telephone;
            10.   Boundary lines of the area of the master plan. Boundary lines of the preliminary development plan for the initial phase shall be shown, along with boundary lines for proposed future phases; and
            11.   Not less than ten copies of the master plan shall be submitted with the application, one of which shall be 11 inches by 17 inches.